Sunday, February 1, 2009

Disatrous Disney!

Dear Mythology Kids,

During our church services today, I sat by a man that I did not know. So, naturally, I introduced myself and my family. I asked him what he did for a living and he replied, "I own a construction company."

"Really, what is the name of your company?"

"Hercules construction."

I started to laugh, and he naturally questioned my response. I explained that I taught Mythology at Timpanogos and that we had just discussed the myth of Heracles this past week. I then asked him why he had elected to name his company after a mythology character. This was his reply.

"I studied mythology while in college, and I was always interested in the myth of "Hercules." He was recognized for his strength and being able to complete any task given to him, so I thought that using the name "Hercules would be an appropriate title for my business."

I just thought I would share that story with you, as Mythology really is every where!

As you know, Disney films are not my favorites. This is due to the fact that Disney always "warps" the story they are re-telling. You were able to recognize this in class on Friday as you watched 15 minutes of Hercules. Disney's interpretation of the myth was quite poor. Even some of you have admitted that you considered Hades to be a malevolent character due to the impression Disney creates of Hades in the film. This illustrates the value of reading a text prior to watching the film version of it, so that you know what is "correct." I hope when you have time that you will watch the entire movie. It is entertaining to identify the MANY ERRORS within the film in comparison to the actual myth.

Don't forget that you will have a QUIZ covering the irony found within the myth of "Heracles," and how those aspects of irony add to the pathos experienced by our hero on Wednesday.

"How do I prepare for the quiz, Crampton?"

"Make sure you have read the myth of Heracles found on page 166 in your textbook. In addition, review the storyboard that we completed in class on Friday. The examples of irony that we identified together will be the questions for your quiz.

"Will there be extra credit for this quiz?"

"Absolutely! I have listed the aspects of irony below. Respond to each one as if you were taking your quiz. Remember that you will have two of the six listed. If you review this way, you will clearly be successful, as you will have two of the six included below, you just don't know which two. You are to discuss the irony found in each excerpt from the myth of “Heracles,” and how the irony adds to the pathos experienced by Heracles. Please be thorough in your response; assume that your audience has no schema on the character of Heracles. Cut and paste the questions into a Word document, and then respond to them on your computer.

#1. "Alcemene's first son was given the name of “Heracles,” which means “glory of Hera.”

#2. “ Athena showed the child to Hera and urged the goddess to pity the beautiful child so cruelly neglected. Without questioning, Hera bared her breast to the baby.”

#3. " The priestess of Delphi instructed him to go to Tiryns and perform 10 impossible tasks devised for him by King Eurytheus.”

#4. "Before returning to Eurytheus to received his next labor, Heracles dipped his arrows in the poisonous blood of the Hydra. Therefore, anyone wounded with one of his arrows would die.”

#5. “ I must bring Alcestis back from the dead. I will go down to Hades to find her. I will return good to my friend who has been so good to me.”

#6. "He sent his servant home to Deianeira in order to obtain the special ceremonial shirt he wore on these religious occasions. When the servant mentioned to Deianeira that Iole was accompany Heracles, Deianeira fear that her husband loved the beautiful princess.”

Enjoy the rest of your long weekend! I will look forward to seeing you on


Cheers, Crampton

Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...