Thursday, January 28, 2010

If you missed class today, January 28th, 2010...

Dear Mythology Kids,

We completed the following today:

1. Journal entry #7 ("Troy/Ilium") covering a film clip entitled Troy (creative, I know!) This was an excellent review concerning the introductory information (red handout) that was given to you on Tuesday.

2. We took the quiz covering the introductory information shared with you on Tuesday.

3. The desks were rearranged today in pairs or triples. Students were able to select their seat and their partner(s). Each group then selected a character significant to The Iliad for their research assignment. I gave everyone some information about their "chosen" character, but in addition, as part of your homework assignment, each student was asked to do some research via the Internet regarding their specific character. I expect to have a HARD COPY of your Internet source on Monday!

  • Jeff b2- You are researching "Ajax, the Greater."
  • Chelsea b2- You are working with Carson and Brittany (imagine that!). I'm typing this from home, and don't have my list of students and their characters. So, visit with Carson or Brittany!
  • Cortney b2- Check with Laura, girl! You will work with her!

4. If you are in B2, you were given two new vocabulary words today:

  • Procrustean
  • Herculean

Visit with someone in class regarding definitions, synonyms and etymologies.


1. Remember that your five paragraph film essay is due on November 8th. If you would like me to review your essay, then I need your rough draft on Wed., Nov. 3rd.

2. Please read the information I gave to you regarding your chosen "Iliad" character for Monday.

3. Please research your character via the Internet. Please bring a HARD COPY of your Internet source to class on Monday. You should read it before coming to class.



Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Introduction to THE ILIAD

Dear Mythology Students,
Don't forget that you have a quiz on Thursday covering the introductory information I gave you regarding the ancient city of Troy. If you did miss class on Tuesday, make sure you obtain the information from someone in class. I have posted the handout for her below. Please remember to read the back of the handout for your quiz.
1. Your Five Paragraph Film essay is due on Monday, Nov. 8th! If you missed class, please visit with a friend regarding this assignment. I can give you you the explanation when you return on Thursday.
2. The deadline for reading Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief for B1 is Feb. 3rd, B2 is Feb. 10th, and B4 is Feb. 17! The book must be read prior to watching the film, which opens on Feb. 12th. I gave each student a handout to use while reading the text. If you missed class on Tuesday, please remind me, so I can give you the appropriate handout.

In order to be prepared for Thursday's quiz, please familiarize yourself with the following:

1.Did the Trojan War actually take place? If so, what was the cause?

2. Why is Henrik Scheilmann important to Troy?

3. Explain Scheilmann's archaeological approach? What was it inappropriate?

4. How is the "Mound of Hissarlik" significant to Scheilmann?

5. Eris' golden apple....How is it relevant to The Iliad's plot line?

6. How does The Iliad begin?

7. Why are the events within The Iliad relevant to events within The Odyssey?

8. Make sure you can define the term "epic."

p.s. The bonus question on your quiz relates to the story from my last post!

THIS IS THE HANDOUT used in our class discussion
Homer's Epic of Troy
The Iliad

Mrs. Kori Crampton

What is an epic?

The Iliad:


The Odyssey:

Did the Trojan War actually take place and what was the cause?

Who discovered the ancient city of Troy?

“Road Map:”

“Schliemann's scar:”

Using a well read copy of The Iliad as his reference guide, he chose a spot on the Asian coast of Turkey called the Mound of Hissarlik, and began digging for the famous city of Troy. In the course of four years, he uncovered nine successive cities built on top of each other. The sixth city he declared the “City of Troy,” or as Schliemann called it the “Burnt City.” Later archaeologists through carbon dating and additional archaeological discoveries, proved that Schliemann's choice was accurate. What was once thought to be myth had been proven historically correct.

What we know about Homer.....
Many scholars have asked the question, “Were the epic poems of The Iliad and The Odyssey written by one poet or were they collective efforts on the part of several poets?” We will never know the answer to this question. Most scholars agree that “a Homer” existed, that he lived in the 8th or 9th century B.C., and that he was a well-known poet. Some references to Homer indicate that he was blind, which has been interpreted as a “sign of his greatness.” We know that Homer had a strong command of the written language, and that at one point he could see. His love for beauty and gory details are too advanced, especially for someone who might have been blind his entire life. He lived about 500 years after the events at Troy; therefore, the story he told was not original with him, but had been passed down in the oral tradition of the times.

Allow me to share two excerpts from The Iliad with you.
“...the spear of bronze went through
Below the brain and shattered the white bones,
Dashed out his teeth, and filled his eyes with blood;
And blood he spurted gaping through his mouth
And nose; and death's dark cloud encompassed him.”
Book XVI, lines 345-350

“Then answered Hector of the flashing helm,
His strength all gone: 'I beg thee by my life,
Thy knees, thy parents, leave me not for dogs
Of the Acheans by the ship to eat,
But rather take abundant stores of bronze and gold-
My king and queenly mother will give it thee-
And render back my body to my home,
So that the Trojans and the Trojans' wives
May give me due meed of fire in death.'

But scowling at him swift Achilles said,
“Do not entreat me, dog, by knees or parents ,
I only wish I had the heart and will
To hack the flesh off thee and eat it raw......”
Book XXII, lines 317-330

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hercules in Church....

Dear Mythology Students,

During our church services this past Sunday, I sat by a man that I did not know. So, naturally, I introduced myself and my family. I asked him what he did for a living and he replied, "I own a construction company."

"Really, what is the name of your company?"

"Hercules construction."

I started to laugh, (yes, in church)and he naturally questioned my response. I explained that I taught Mythology at Timpanogos and that we had just discussed the myth of Heracles this past week. I then asked him why he had elected to name his company after a mythological character.

This was his reply.

"I studied mythology while in college, and I was always interested in the myth of "Hercules." He was recognized for his strength and being able to complete any task given to him, so I thought that using the name "Hercules would be an appropriate title for my business."

I just thought I would share that story with you, as Mythology is every where!

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!


Friday, January 22, 2010

Disastrous Disney!

Dear Mythology Kids,

As you know, Disney films are not my favorites. This is due to the fact that Disney always "warps" the story they are re-telling. You were able to recognize this in class on Friday as you watched 15 minutes of Hercules. Disney's interpretation of the myth was quite poor. Even some of you have admitted that you considered Hades to be a malevolent character due to the impression Disney creates of Hades in the film. This illustrates the value of reading a text prior to watching the film version of it, so that you know what is "correct." I hope when you have time that you will watch the entire movie. It is entertaining to identify the MANY ERRORS within the film in comparison to the actual myth.

For those of you that were absent on Friday, we accomplished the following:

1. Reviewed for your quiz by discussing the aspects of irony within the myth.

2. Viewed 15 the first 15 minutes of Disney's Hercules. We completed a journal entry where I asked students to list all the inaccuracies concerning the myth of "Hercules" and mythology in general.

3. We completed our quiz covering Heracles. If you missed class, please come prepared to take the quiz on Tuesday.

DON'T MISS CLASS ON TUESDAY, as we begin our discussion of The Iliad. You have NO HOMEWORK over the weekend!

Take care,


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Heracles, the hero who suffered the most!

Dear Mythology Kids,

Don't forget that you will have a QUIZ covering the irony found within the myth of "Heracles," and how those aspects of irony add to the pathos experienced by our hero on Friday!

"How do I prepare for the quiz, Crampton?"

"Make sure you have read the myth of Heracles found on page 166 in your textbook. In addition, review the storyboard that we worked on in class on Wed. The examples of irony that we identified together will be the questions for your quiz.

"Will there be extra credit for this quiz?"

"Absolutely! I have listed the aspects of irony below. Respond to each one as if you were taking the actual quiz. Remember that you will have two of the six listed. If you review this way, you will clearly be successful, as you will have two of the six included below, you just don't know which two. You are to discuss the irony found in each excerpt from the myth of “Heracles,” and how the irony adds to the pathos experienced by Heracles. Please be thorough in your response; assume that your audience has no schema on the character of Heracles. Cut and paste the questions into a Word document, and then respond to them on your computer.

#1. "Alcemene's first son was given the name of “Heracles,” which means “glory of Hera.”

#2. “ Athena showed the child to Hera and urged the goddess to pity the beautiful child so cruelly neglected. Without questioning, Hera bared her breast to the baby.”

#3. " The priestess of Delphi instructed him to go to Tiryns and perform 10 impossible tasks devised for him by King Eurytheus.”

#4. "Before returning to Eurytheus to received his next labor, Heracles dipped his arrows in the poisonous blood of the Hydra. Therefore, anyone wounded with one of his arrows would die.”

#5. “ I must bring Alcestis back from the dead. I will go down to Hades to find her. I will return good to my friend who has been so good to me.”
#6. "He sent his servant home to Deianeira in order to obtain the special ceremonial shirt he wore on these religious occasions. When the servant mentioned to Deianeira that Iole was accompany Heracles, Deianeira fear that her husband loved the beautiful princess.”
We will complete your storyboard on Friday!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Dear Mythology Kids,
Many of you are missing class! STOP! If you know that you will miss class, then make the responsible choice to FIND OUT WHAT YOU WILL MISS prior to your absence.

The following is important:
1. Each student was given a different reading assignment based upon a tag stuck to their desk. The reading assignments are located on the bulletin board outside my classroom. For those of you that were absent, I have indicated below what section of the "Heracles" myth you were assigned to read for Wed. Pick up your reading assignment prior to Wed.

Aushel Asay-"Labors 7-10"
Tanner Prestwich-Labors 7-10
Lexin Rockwood-"Birth/Early Years"
Jacob Smith- "Labors11,12 and Death"
Jenny Bullock-"Labors 11, 12 and Death"

2. Please read "Hercules" in your textbook located on pages 166-179
3. Please read "Phaethon" in your textbook located on page 136

If you missed class on Friday, please be prepared to take your "Mythological Allusions" quiz on Wed. In addition, your Mythological Allusions assignment was due on FRIDAY! Those of you that were absent KNEW about the due date; consequently, you will need to submit your assignment with your new homework coupon. By the way, I distributed those on Friday!

Enjoy your long weekend!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Allusions to mythology in literary work was our focus today!

Dear Mythology Students,

I enjoyed observing you today in class, as each group discussed the pieces of poetry given to them. You were able to decipher meaning about each piece based upon your schema of mythology....WELL DONE!

Please remember the following for FRIDAY!
1. "Mythological Allusions" assignment is due on Friday.

2. You will also have a quiz on Friday, where you will be asked to identify references and allusions to mythology found in several pieces of poetry. I gave everyone who was in class on Wednesday, a list of the subjects associated with the poems you will evaluate for your quiz. To prepare for the "official" quiz, you should review the following characters: Fates, Prometheus, Aphrodite, Muses, Cupid, Demeter, Persephone, the Greek Underworld, Odysseus and Penelope, and Perseus.

The following is your practice quiz. Please note the BOLD pieces of text. The number next to the text is associated with the corresponding question.

"As an oak tree falls on the hillside
Crushing all that lies beneath,
So, he presses out the life, #1.
The brute's savage life, and now it lies dead. #2.
Only the head sways slowly, but the horns
are useless now."

1. Identify the "he." _________________
2. Identify the "brute." ___________________

"So impressed with all you do.
Tried so hard to be like you.
Flew too high and burnt the wing. #3
Lost my faith in everything."

3. Identify who is being alluded to in this line of text. _________________

"Tis, Apollo come leading his choir, the Nine. #4

4. Identify the "Nine," and explain why the word "choir" is used in connection with them and Apollo.

"He, the first born from out the purple grape #5.
Crushed the sweet poison of misused wine."

5. Identify the "he." _________________________

Dame Helen caused a grievous fray. #6

6. What does the poet mean by "grievous fray?"

"In the last light of the day his tragic song became "Farewell."
It is said that he made his earth-journey and lost what he sought. #7
It is said that they felled him and cup up his limbs for firewood. #8
And it is said his head sang and was swept away out to sea singing.
For him, the music was more mellifluous than any heard before. #9/ #10

7. Explain this allusion.
8. Explain why this event has taken place?
9. Identify the "him."
10. Explain this last line. "Mellifluous," by the way, means "beautiful to the ears."

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Dear Mythology Kids,

If you missed class on Monday, January 11th, 2010 you were introduced to the concepts of "Allusion" and "Reference," and the role of mythological allusions and references found in literary work. Please visit with a classmate in order to obtain this information.

I used Icarus as my focus for emphasizing how frequently references and allusions to mythology arise in literary work. This, of course, is due to the fact that universal themes are always prevalent within the myths; therefore, audiences of all types can connect with the themes that are used.

Your homework for Friday is to complete your "Mythology in Literature" assignment which was explained Monday. Again, if you were absent, please visit with someone from class. You will also have a quiz on Friday, where you will be asked to identify references and allusions to mythology found in several pieces of poetry. We will practice this in class.
Cheers, Crampton

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I forgot a Michelle Wilkinson...I am so sorry, girl!

You are in group #2 for B1.


Well-done on your "Theseus Quiz!"

Dear Mythology Classes,

I hope you enjoyed working your way through the "labyrinth" of T.H.S. Please REMEMBER that your mosaic is due on MONDAY at the beginning of your scheduled class period.

When you come to class on Monday the desks will be rearranged in five different groups. I have indicated the assigned groups for each class below. You will sit in the same location for the entire week of class.

Group #1
Hyrum, Kynia, Hannah, Nicole, Sam, and Jonny

Group #2
Braden Lanham, Aushel, Colten, Mandy, Amy, Rachel,

Group #3
Chris, Kalee, Sierra, Tiffany, Kim, Ceri, Andrew

Group #4
Suzie, Tyler A., Rebekah, Tori, Alysha, Tanner

Group #5
Jacob, Celeste, Braden Lillie, Kacee, Melissa, Tyler, Lisa

Group #1
Eric, Chelsea, Tanner, Jordan G., Cody, Jordan W.

Group #2
Morgan, Carrie, Jeff, Victor, Kaitlyn, Devin

Group #3
Olivia, Bradyn, Jenny, Shae, Brittany, Lexin

Group #4
Laura. Kristen, Cody B., Ritchie, Derrick, Lili-Jean

Group #5
Karlie, Carson, Daniel, Cortney, Kirstin, Beatriz

Group #1
Amy, Natalie Batty, Megan, Andy, Katie M.

Group #2
Tyson A., Alyssa, Carmen, Shelby, Katie K., Natalie Border

Group #3
Tyson E., Jeff, Camlyn. Eric, Brittany, Taylor, Jennifer

Group #4
Elisa, K+Jacob, Jori, Emily, Thad, Janae

Group #5
Vienna, Brooke, Cody, Alan, Sheree, Kelli, Ashley

Enjoy your weekend,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

WELCOME BACK, oh, and welcome to the Minoan culture...

Dear Mythology Kids,

I hope you had an enjoyable holiday! You only have FIVE MONTHS until your "big day!" Hang in there, and please let me know if I can do anything to help you reach the goal of graduation.

This is an arial view of the palace at Knossos. The same palace, according to mythology, where Theseus was held captive and where he destroyed the Minotaur. From this perspective it clearly looks like a labyrinth.

1. Mosiac is due on Monday, January 11th
2. Don't forget that you have an unusual quiz covering "Theseus" pgs. 155-165 on Thursday. As you prepare for the quiz keep the following aspects in mind.

1. When Theseus was a younger man he attempted to carry-off a significant female character. Who is the female character?
2. How does Theseus' father recognize him upon his return to Athens?
3. Why does the witch Medea want Theseus dead?
4. Why does Theseus not want to go by sea?
5. He meets three villains, Sinis, Procrustus and Sciron, along the road to Athens. What did each do to their victims?
6. Identify some of Theseus' flaws...he has many! He is compared to Heracles. How are the two different regarding their inherent characters.
7. Why are the young Athenians given to the Minotaur every nine years?
8. Theseus' best friend is named Pirithous. What poor choice does Theseus make with his friend?
9. Why is Theseus such a strong leader?
10. How is Theseus able to escape the labyrinth? Who assists him and how?
11. Identify at least four aspects that we know about the Minoan culture.
12. Why is Theseus' relationship Phaedra so unfortunante?

The Minoans were peaceful and gifted aesthetically. They valued the use of color in their artwork. This fresco depicts a Minoan youth.

We know that they Minoans valued the bull. One of their most popular athletic events
was that of bull jumping.

We also know that they valued nature, especially aspects associated with the sea, as
seen in the fresco above with the dolphins.

The palace at Knosso partially restored.


Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...