Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday 18th and Thursday 19th, September 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,

I have included the practice quiz for your official quiz scheduled for Monday. If you missed class today, we completed the following gods. In addition, you were given your "THRONE" assignment, which is due on Tuesday, October 2nd. The requirements for your assignment are located in the "HOMEWORK" section of your binder.

Aphrodite and....

Please make sure you obtain the information about the above gods from another mythology student.

Instructions for PRACTICE QUIZ: Please select the god that BEST fits each description. You will need to identify the character with both Greek and Roman names. For some questions you will need to justify your response. Some gods may be used more than once.

1. Venerate, Vigil, Valuable, Vigilante, Volume, Viscous...I love words that begin with the letter V. ______________/______________ (both Greek and Roman names)
2. I would make an excellent "shop" teacher. ______________/___________
3. I have a PhD in Statistics. __________/______________
4. I am "President Obama" of the Olympians. _____________/____________
5. I directed a documentary film on master thieves. ___________/____________
6. I would do well working in a floral shop, as the buds would always bloom.

7. March is my favorite month. ____________/___________
8. I always "hit my mark." __________/_____________
9. I am responsible for desecrating a temple. ____________/_____________
10. Justify your response for #9 ____________________________________________

11. A trick was played to woo me, so "love can not live where there is no trust." ______/_____
12. Justify your response for #11. ____________________________________________

13. I failed to ask my wife's mother for her hand in "marriage." _________/_________
14. "Make me the most beautiful land animal." __________/____________

Good luck with the practice quiz.

Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...