Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2014

Dear Mythology Kids,

I miss you! I will look forward to seeing you upon my return.

If you missed class, we completed the following:
1. Each student received a "character" from The Odyssey. For those of you that missed class, your "character" are the SIRENS!

2. We then went to the lab, where each student located THREE different sources regarding their assigned character. Students then annotated and notated for ORANGE and GREEN. I asked that you also focus on answering the following question: WHAT DOES MY CHARACTER SYMBOLIZE/REPRESENT? 

3. If students were unable to complete locating the sources, and annotating them, then they were asked to complete the in-class work as homework.

Thrinacia, Island of Helios...."DO NOT EAT THE COWS!"
 Circe....."He stayed with her for a year."

 Sirens...." The voice of death"
 Aeolus....Obedience is the kay!
 Calypso......Love can not be inprisoned.
 Polyphemus,,,,"We fear what we do not understand."
 Laestragonians.....Men are always cruel to each other.

Scylla and Charybdis.....Caught between a rock and a hard spot!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

QUEST on FRIDAY! 02/18/2016

Dear Mythology Kids,

Remember that your QUEST covering the ILIAD will take place on FRIDAY. There are four parts to your assessment:
1. Timeline Events
2. Character Identification
3. Image Identification (Why is the event depicted so essential to the Iliad's plot progression?)
4. You will see two clips from a film called HELEN of TROY.

How do I prepare?
  • I suggest going back through the images located on the blog that we have used for the character discussions offered in class. Can you identify who and what with each image? Can you also answer the question, "Why is the event depicted so essential to the Iliad's plot progression?)
  • I also recommend that you go through the graphic organizer we have used in class. Make sure you are familiar with each character and their significance to the Iliad and The Odyssey.
  • Make sure you have read The Iliad located in your textbook...pgs. 185-200


Consider the following images. Answer question #1 and #2 for each image.

QUESTION #1: Identify who is depicted in the artwork, and what is taking place.
QUESTION #2: Explain the importance of the depicted event to the Iliad's plot progression and character development.


Monday, February 15, 2016

B4 Kids...The Journal entry is here for you!

Dear Mythology Kids,

I think the problem with the blog has been rectified...keep your fingers crossed.

If you are in B4, Journal #18 entitled "Image Identification" is located for you here.


Look at the following four images. Identify what is occurring in each one, and then explain the CORRELATION between the four pictures.



If you missed class, we completed the following:

Please make sure you communicate with a friend, and have them ORALLY SHARE this information regarding Achilles and Patroclus with you.

2. Each student submitted their "Character Analysis"

3. Each class besides B4 completed the above journal entry.

1. Please complete the ILIAD in your book . Read pages 193-200 for Wednesday.
2. You will have a quest on Friday, covering the following characters : Hector, Ajax (G), Achilles, Patroclus, Odysseus, Cassandra, and Ajax (L). In addition, you will be given events and asked to identify if the event took place in the Iliad or The Odyssey. You will also see every images associated with the Iliad and the Odyssey, and be asked to explain what is happening.  Start reviewing now, my young friends.

Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...