Timpanogos High School. Kori Crampton. kcrampton@alpinedistrict.org Room 610 ext. 786610 Office Hours Appointment Required 7:15-7:40 (all days) Consultation Time Contact: kcrampton@alpinedistrict.org
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Labors of Heracles....
I am so proud of those that presented this week; it was clear that you had done your research! I will look forward to the presentations regarding Odysseus on Tuesday.
In preparation for your quiz on Tuesday, I have included a "practice quiz" for you below. Please print a copy of it, record your answers, and then bring it to class on Tuesday. We will correct it prior to taking the official quiz. Yes, you will receive extra-credit for each question you answer correctly.
For those of you you missed class today, Friday, November 21st, we discussed the following monsters associated with Heracles. In order to be prepared for the quiz on Tuesday, I would contact a friend that is currently in Mythology, or learn more about the characters through research.
1. Cerynian Hind
2. Stymphalian Birds
3. Man-Eating Mares of Diomedes
4. Amazons (Girdle of Hippolyta)
5. Hesperides
6. Ladon
7. Nessus
8. Hebe
Practice Quiz covering "Monsters associated with Heracles"
1."Stop acting so juvenile." _____________/_______________
2. "My car was stuck in the snow." _______________
3. We hate the sound of baby rattles. _______________
4. French, German, Latin, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Turkish, Arabic...the list could reach 100. __________________
5. While at the beach, a crab bit my heel (labor). ______________
6. "Hey, boss, you taste like chicken." ______________
7. Apollo is our master . ______________
8. Golden horns and bronze hooves _____________
9. Apples are a precious gift that must always be guarded ______________
10. "What a beautiful fur coat you have."
"Thank-you, it's made of steal." _________________
11."I would have gladly given him my belt." __________________
12. "Love Potion" ____________
13. Foul Fowls ________________
14. Third and immortal wife _____________/_____________
15. My blood is toxic _____________
16. I am suffering from cancer (labor) _______________.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
If you missed class on Wednesday, Nov. 19th...
Eurymanthian Boar
We will continue with the monsters and lesser gods associated with Heracles on Friday. If you missed class, then you will need to obtain the handout covering the above characters upon your return. In addition, you will need to submit your handouts to the class. DO YOUR BEST TO NOT MISS CLASS!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Power of RESEARCH!
1. The information you are going to use for your web site must be written down on one piece of paper. The students that were present on Thursday, were given an "outline" of how they are to record their information. I would prefer that you use this; however, under the circumstance, you will not have this handout. So, use a blank sheet of paper, divide it vertically, and record the information about one character in the left column and the other character in the right column.
2. You should also select the images you want to include on your web page to help us. Please select these pictures through "Google Images," and record the URLs for each image on "your" outline. You must include the URLs in your work cited, so you might as well record them here, too.
3. Remember that you need to have a total of FIVE SOURCES (two from the Internet, and then three from book sources). I am also requiring that you record ALL of your works cited information on your outline, as it needs to be posted on your web site, which we will create in class on MONDAY.
4. ALL of your information needs to be recorded in ONE LOCATION! I will check this off when I see you in class on Monday.
5. Let me know if you have any questions. You can reach me via e-mail at koriandjc@yahoo.com
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Welcome to the monsters and lesser gods of mythology!"
This image depicts two of Scylla's six heads. She eats six of Odysseus' men.
This image depicts Odysseus traveling between the two monsters.
If you missed class on Tuesday, Nov. 11th..... We did the following:
1. Submitted our Nature Myth Revisions along with our First Drafts.
2. Read through the information regarding our Lesser gods and Monsters research assignment. Each student was given the option of working with a partner or on an individual basis. We then drew the characters that we will be researching. If you missed class, I drew for you. All the students in b2 (but one), and b4 were present. So the following list pertains primarily to b1`students. The b2 student that was absent can find herself located below the list of b1 students!
This is a Stymphalian Bird. Their beaks and feathers were made of bronze.
This is the Hydra. It has nine heads, and when a head is "removed" two will grow back in its place.
These are the Graea or Grey Witches. They shared one eye and one tooth between them.
The Amazons are women that you did not want to challenge in battle. They possessed no fear, and their martial skills were compared to that of the Spartans.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
"The Underworld"....according to Dante
This image depicts those that committed suicide. Dante felt that because they had not valued their human form while living, they would therefore be turned to trees.
The following example was submitted several years ago by a previous student. He placed those that COMPLAIN at the top of his Inferno. I have included this example for you to follow. Notice that you must indicate the sin, why you consider it to be a sin, a suitable punishment, and then why the punishment is symbolic of the crime. Just as the Greeks devised suitable punishments for their criminals, all of your punishments need to be symbolic as well. Your punishments are not to be sadistic, and you can not punish the sin with the sin. You will have seven paragraphs, each one pertaining to a different sin. Your eight paragraph should be and explanation of your Elysium.
Wesley's Well of Woes
Circle 1: Complainers/Pessimists: The individuals at the top of my “well of woes” are those that never seem to be happy. They moan and complain about tasks that are part of life, and simply must be completed. They also enjoy starting arguments, purely to witness a flight. Due to this, they remind me of the Greek god Ares. They are cowards, just as Ares, who have no concept of self-respect. They not only disrespect themselves, but those that are around them. I have included them in my “well,” because I feel they “infect” their “sin” upon other people without considering anyone but themselves. I also find that they waste so much time complaining, rather than using their time in a constructive manner.
PUNISHMENT: These sinners will be required to make lemonade for eternity. This will not only be a boring task, but a painful one as well, because they will have paper cuts over their finger tips. This punishment fits the crime. These sinners were unable to find anything positive about their existence; consequently, they will be required to take lemons, which are sour and bitter, as they chose to be while alive, into lemonade, which is sweet and refreshing. The paper cuts are symbolic of the many times they moaned or were negative about living, now while they make lemonade, they will be reminded of their sour and painful attitudes.
FOR FRIDAY you should have the following:
1. A rough draft of your "Inferno." This should include your sins and their appropriate punishments. It may be handwritten.
2. A magazine that you can cut a part.
Please send me an e-mail if you have questions or concerns!
Monday, November 3, 2008
If you missed class on Monday, November 3rd....
e. Elysium
h. Charon
i. Cerberus
Saturday, November 1, 2008
If you missed class on Thursday, October 30th....
These women are known as the Danaids. There are fifty of them, and on their wedding night, all but one, murdered her husband by stabbing him in his heart. Their punishment in Hades is to obtain water from the River Styx with the hope of filling Hades' garden pond; however, their jars have holes in the bottom. They were never able to complete the mundane task of filling the pond. This is symbolic of the fact that they took the trivial and mundane away from their husbands; consequently, they are forever cursed with it.
This is the character known as Ixion. He attempted to rape Hera. Zeus had him strapped to a wheel of burning fire. This is symbolic of the fact that a rapist will continue to rape unless caught...hence the wheel. The fire on either side is symbolic of the pain the victim feels. Ixion was constantly burned, but never burned away. OUCH!
Tantalus is another sinner in Hades. He murdered his son, and then fed his flesh the gods in the form of a stew. The Olympians were so appalled by Tantalus' behavior that they cemented him within Styx, being cursed with perpetual hunger and thirst. Each time he attempted to drink from Styx the water would move away from him. There are fruit trees hanging above his head, and yet each time he attempted to grab some of the fruit it would move away from him. He is perpetually hungry and thirty.
Can you recognize that each punishment is symbolic of its crime!
Your FINAL exam!
Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...
Dear Mythology Students, Norse Mythology are the stories of the Scandanavian people . The Norse were extremely skilled at sea faring ; conse...
Dear Mythology Kids, Enjoy your LONG WEEKEND, cute kids, but work on your monologue assignment due on Thursday, Feb. 23rd! What did you m...
Dear Mythology Students , I welcome you to the land of gods and goddesses, where logic does not exist, only the idea that some where i...