Monday, October 18, 2010

Completion of "Oedipus" and Greek Drama Quiz......

Dear Mythology Kids,

Welcome back from Fall Break! If you missed class today, Monday, 18th , we completed the following:

1. I returned your "Modern Day God" paper. The revision for this assignment is due on Tuesday, October 26th. The essays were quite clever regarding the connections made to modern individuals; however, most students had problems with supporting their connections. When you return, please visit with me so I can return your essay to you.

2. I gave each student introductory information regarding Hades. Please read the handout and annotate/notate it with 10-12 annotations/notations. I have placed some extra copies of it outside my room; it is light green in color. For those of you that missed class, this terminology will seem strange; consequently, you will need to visit with me prior to class on Wed. The annotation and notation colors are different for each class. If you can't see me prior to Wednesday, then please visit with a friend from YOUR CLASS!

3. Your Nature Myth Part 2 is due on Friday. Please remember that you need a rough draft and TWO COPIES of your First Draft for Friday.

4. We completed your "Oedipus" and "Greek Theater" quiz. If you missed class, then you will need to use some Flex-time to complete the quiz.

DON'T MISS CLASS ON WEDNESDAY, as we begin our discussion on HADES!

FLEX SCHEDULE for October 18-22
Tuesday: Mythology
Wednesday: English
Thursday: Humanities
Friday: Mythology


Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...