Thursday, April 21, 2011

The role of fate in Norse Mythology

Dear Mythology Kids,
If you missed class, we completed the following:

1. Journal #12 "Fate vs. Choice"
Part 1: Are we victims of inescapable fate, or do we have the power to create our own destiny? Some believe that fate leaves them with feelings of helplessness, while others believe that a belief in fate gives them a sense of reassurance and comfort. What do you believe? Thoroughly explain your response.  Indicate your impressions of the Norse belief in fate, specifically in relationship to the "power" and "lack of power" it provides the Norse gods.

Part 2: The film Serendipity focuses on the idea that fate controls our destiny. As you view the clip, discuss the legitimate and absurd aspects regarding the concept of fate depicted in the film.

2. We continued by discussing the journal entry. Fate is a strong motif in Norse myths; consequently, it is valuable to consider your own concepts regarding this topic.

3. We discussed two different motifs found within Norse literature.

4. We took our quiz covering the gods and the three myths that were assigned for today.

1. Please read "The Mead of Poetry" (pg. 26) for Monday.
2. Please notate the myth with two questions/page. If it not necessary to record your questions in red. You should have a total of 14 questions, as there are seven pages to the myth. If you elect to have more, then extra-credit will be assigned.
3. Don't forget about your poetry piece!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...