Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 5th, 2015

Dear Mythology Kids,

I have missed you. I  hope that I can be with you from now on, but at least you understand the circumstances behind why I have been absent!  As I mentioned in class, those of you that believe in the power of prayer, please pray for me, and those you that don't please send me good Karma!

I am posting the MOTIFS for you below, so that you can have the information necessary for your final exam.  Thank sweet Kaylee Anderson for her amazing note taking skills. If you missed class today, then I would recommend that you visit with someone that was present! We discussed a significant amount of information regarding THE ODYSSEY!

Female Power:
Penelope: “She could not marry until she had woven… pg 294
Athena: “Help me to vengeance” pg 292
Circe: every man who approached her turned into a beast pg 307
Female Power:
Penelope: Took control of the situation pg 212, 213
Circe: Took control of men by turning them into beasts pg 223
Sirens: Take control of men with song pg 223
Calypso: Odysseus’ slave pg 220
Appearance vs. Reality:
Trojan Horse: Looks good, but in reality holds an army pgs 281-282
Circe Animals: Turned men into pigs pg 307
Sirens:  Destroyed men with their alluring song pgs 223-224
Veneration of Guest and Host:
Phaesians and Odysseus: Very Hospitable pg 220
Menelaus and Telemachus: smell nice pg 215
Odysseus and Cyclops: bashed head on ground pg 86
Power of Cunning:
Trojan Horse: Came through with cunning pg 204
Penelope: weaved funeral quilt for father then took it out each night pg 213
Cyclops: Left cave after the stabbing of the eye, outsmarted him with his name pg 87

1. Please locate two additional motifs for each listed above from today's class discussion! 

Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...