Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Disclosure Document

Timpanogos High School
Kori Crampton
223-3120 ext. 212 (home) (school)
Course Description/Requirements:
Welcome to Mythology; I am thrilled that you have chosen to take this exciting class. Mythology is designed to give you a broad understanding of the importance and relevance of myths in modern culture, as well as in all genres of literature. It is a two semester course (entire year); the first semester (up through February 2007) focusing on Greek/Roman Mythology; the second semester focusing on Norse Mythology (Vikings) and The Arthurian Legend (Celtic Mythology). I hope that you will be in Mythology for the entire year, as it will heighten your understanding of literature, increase your vocabulary, and give you a broadened understanding of many aspects of our society.
You will be required to read and write about the myths and legends studied and the elements of both. You will be required to do outside reading, research, and extensive writing related to mythology, actively participate in oral discussions, develop and write your own myths.
Mythology is extremely interdisciplinary. This means that you will be exposed to other subjects other than English, such as Art, Theater, Science, and History. Active participation and cooperation in class discussions and group projects is expected and will be a part of your grade. Please note that extensive memorization is part of the course; if you struggle with this skill be aware that you will be asked to memorize and recall many aspects of mythology in this class. I will help you with this, but you must be willing to put forth effort yourself.
You will gain a great deal from taking Mythology; however, it is not a class that you can easily “blow off.” If you have chosen to take this course because you believe it will be an “easy ‘A’”, then I would suggest you reconsider your choice. This class is only available to Seniors; consequently, a great deal is expected and required. However, if you work hard and are conscious of your choices, then you will be successful.

NOTE: You must be aware that the discussion of how mythological creatures are formed and created will be part of our curriculum. The issue of sex does occur in several of the myths we read; however, I do not feel that the references to this topic are inappropriate in any way.

TEXTS: Mythology by Edith Hamilton (ISBN # 0-448-80725), The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Norse Myths, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Beowulf , Le Morte D’Arthur
Materials Required!!!!!
You are required to have your materials with you each class period

Categories for notebook:
A. Assignments/Homework
B. Handouts
C. Notes
D. Mechanics/Vocab.
E. Journal
2. A SPIRAL NOTEBOOK WITH THREE HOLES/ This notebook will be used for journal entries.
4. PENCIL(s) (Pencil will be used for certain assignments)
5.Colored Pencils
6. Markers with the following colors: red, blue, purple, orange, yellow, green, black
7.3 x 5 index cards (one package)
8. Computer disk
9. Plaster bandage to use when making masks (This material will be used later on during the first semester. I will give you plenty of notice, so that you will have time to purchase one. They are $4.00 and can be found at any medical supply store.)

Classroom Procedures/Citizenship:
Each of you should have a concept of the word “respect.” Anything you do which interferes with your ability to learn, your fellow students’ abilities to learn, or my ability to teach is inappropriate, so THINK BEFORE YOU ACT!

1. BE ON TIME--and in your seat when the tardy bell rings, or you will be counted as being late. PLEASE DO NOT BE LATE FOR CLASS! LIFE IS TOO SHORT FOR THAT KIND OF HASSLE! ( The tardy policy will be discussed in greater detail later in the disclosure document).

2. Respect other’s voices and property. Talking while I am talking or any of your peers is unacceptable; doing so will result in a lower citizenship grade.

3. Class time given for working on assignments will be for Mythology only; no other work is to be done at that time, unless you have completed your assignment(s) and you have checked with me.

4. Discuss major problems or concerns at an appropriate time--before or after class! Discussions are welcome, but arguments are not.

5. NO FOOD OR DRINKS IN CLASS (unless I give them to you). If you have a medical condition that requires you to eat, then please let me know.

6. If you are suspected of cheating on a major exam, you will be required to take the make-up exam. If cheating is suspected on any assignment, you may be asked to do the assignment again. If cheating is proven in any chase (beyond a doubt), you will be given a “zero.” There is nothing more valuable than your integrity!

7. Cell phones should not be used in class, unless you are using them to record your assignments.

Tardy Policy and Attendance:
I expect each of you to adhere to school policies. Basically, I need you in class and on time. Being late for class only causes you a great deal of grief, as you miss vital information. Besides, being late for class is rude, especially when I have started our lesson for the day, and there is nothing that irritates me more than rude behavior.
You will be given numerous quizzes over your homework and the subject matter that we discuss in class; if you are late for class, and a quiz is being given, then you will not have the option of taking the quiz. THIS IS SIGNIFICANT, as the quizzes that you will be given in Mythology are 30-50 question quizzes, and if you miss a quiz due to being tardy, then you will struggle in class. I NEED YOU IN CLASS AND ON TIME!
I will not accept any excuse for tardies or absences, unless, of course it is a school excuse. If you are late because you were with another teacher, administrator, or counselor then I will expect to receive a note from that faculty/staff member. For each day you are in class you receive 10 participation points (260 points total/26 days in a quarter). If you are tardy or absent then you lose those points for the day(s) that you came in late or missed.
Each student is allowed 3 tardies without penalty. On the 4th tardy and every tardy there after no credit (NC) is earned until restored. Your tardies must be restored by the end of each term. A no credit (NC) that has not been restored by the end of the term will result in no credit for that term and will be calculated as an “F.”
One more point regarding attendance, I would not miss class, not even one day. It is extremely difficult to grasp the concepts we discuss in class when you are absent.. Yes, you can go to your book or a friend, but if you miss the lecture and the explanation for your homework assignments, you will be confused! Mythology has a tendency to be illogical and bizarre!

Late Work:
“Late Work” is an oxymoron in Mythology, simply because the concept does not exist in this class. All assignments are to be turned in on their due date, at the beginning of class to receive credit.
If you know that you’re going to miss class, then find out if an assignment is due on that particular date, and submit it before your absence. If you return from an absence, knowing that an assignment was due while you were gone, and you made the choice not to submit it prior to leaving, then you will not receive credit for it. You may also give assignments to friends you have in class, and they can submit the work for you on the date it is due, or you are welcome to submit an assignment to me via e-mail. I realize that there may be some exceptions to submitting assignments at a later date than originally given (hospitalization, death, family concerns, etc.). If you have extenuating circumstances, then communicate with me, so that we can make arrangements for you to submit your assignments within a reasonable amount of time.
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE to find out what assignments and class activities are missed when you are absent; therefore, there are no exceptions regarding due dates for full credit. If an assignment is due the day you return, and you had prior knowledge of the assignment, you will be expected to hand it in on time. If an assignment is given on a day that you are absent, then you will be expected to find out the requirements for the assignment(s) and submit it (them) on the appropriate due date. In addition, if you miss class, then you will be required to take the quiz, complete the activity, etc. the day you return, even if you were not in class when the assignment was given.
FIND OUT WHAT YOU MISSED BEFORE you return to class. If you return without being prepared then you will not receive credit for the assignment. Due to the fact that Mythology is a Senior English class, designed to prepare you for certain college courses and the real world, giving you the opportunity to submit late word defeats the purpose of the class.

Homework and Tests:
Homework will vary in nature and will be given a point value. On the days that it is given, you should expect a minimum of thirty to sixty minutes of homework per class period. For more extensive assignments, enough time will be given so that the assignment can be completed prior to the due date. I expect you to copy your homework assignment(s) in the “homework/assignment” section of your notebook. planner, palm pilot, cell phone, etc. at the beginning of each class period.
Tests and quizzes will be given during and after units of instruction.; projects will also be used as a form of assessment. Test scores will be available two-seven school days after the test, depending on the nature of the exam (project, essay, etc.)

No grade is ever “given,” but rather each grade is earned. If you need to talk with me about your grades, please do so at an appropriate time. We can easily schedule an appointment where we can discuss your concerns in private.
Grades are determined by the amount of points earned in comparison with the amount of points possible. To be totally honest, I despise grades. I wish that our system of assessing what you learn was different; however, I believe that “grades” will be in existence long after you and I have gone. I find that students work more for “the grade” than they do for the intrinsic satisfaction of learning. Try to have a different outlook on your grade in this class. Yes, you will each receive a grade, but I want you to reconsider why you are doing your assignments. Look forward to what you will learn each quarter, not what grade you will receive.
Grades are posted weekly. You are requested to keep all your graded assignments for the entire term. This way if you or I have a question regarding a grade, then you will be able to verify your work. In addition, save each assignment on your “Mythology Disk ” in order to protect yourself and make sure your grades are accurate.

The grading scale is as follows:
A 94-100 A-93-90 B+ 89-87 B 86-84
B-83-80 C+ 79-77 C 76-74 C- 73-70
D+ 69-67 D 66-64 D- 63-60 F 59 or below

Extra Credit: Various extra credit options are made available to you throughout the year and specific instructions and guidelines are given in class. I don’t give extra-credit so that my students can “blow off” their homework assignments, and make up the scores with extra-credit. Extra-credit assignments are not available to students unless all other assigned work during the grading period has been completed. Students may earn up to but no more than 35extra-credit points per quarter. Deadlines for extra-credit options will be given in class.

Sum Up:
I love my job! I work hard to make each lesson worthwhile. I do this because I want you to be smart. Intelligent people have every advantage, and what you learn in high school is something that no one can take from you. You may be the mechanic who repairs my brakes, the teller who credits my deposits at the bank, the doctor that treats my family , the legislator who votes for my raise, the contractor who builds my home, the entertainer I see in the movies, the musician I listen to on CD, the computer guru who makes my life investing in you, I invest in the future; and your future begins with a solid education. Finally, I plan to treat you as individuals deserving of respect and fair treatment, and I expect to be treated with respect in return. I am not only your teacher, but I am also a real person who has good days and bad days as you do. We need to be aware of this and tolerant of each other. I am always approachable, so if you need help or have questions then let me know. I look forward to working with you this year. See you in Mythology!

Dear Parents,
I sincerely care about your student. His/Her progress in my class is of the
utmost importance to me. If you are concerned about your student’s academic standing, please call me at school or home (school-221-3120 ext.212). I can also be reached by e-mail at I will contact you if I have concerns about your student, and I ask you to do the same I ask that you please take an active role in your student’s education at Timpanogos High School. I teach on B Days only, but I can easily schedule conferences before or after school on A days, or we can meet during my B3 prep period. I hope that this will be a positive year for your student, and I look forward to working with them and you.


Mrs. Kori Crampton

Please tear/cut on this line

I have read and understand the disclosure document. Your student will receive 50 points for returning this slip to me on August 28th, 2006!

Student’s Signature__________________________________ Date:________________

Parent’s Signature____________________________________ Date:_______________

Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...