Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Continueed with Iphigenia, Clytemnestra, Hector and Odysseus

Dear Mythology Kids,

If you did miss class, we completed the following on Tuesday, February 22

1. Please read the first half of The Iliad in your BOOK! The epic is located on pages 185- to the top of 195. Please do not read beyond this point.

Clytemnestra, Queen of Mycenae, wife to Agamemnon, mother to Iphigenia, sister to Helen of Sparta

1. " She saw no reason to explain her act or excuse it. She was not a murderer in her own eyes, she was an executioner. She had punished and murdered the murderer of his own child."
2. "Dark red stains were on her dress, her hands, her face, yet she herself looked unshaken, strongly sure of herself...It was his blood that stained her dress and face and she was glad."
1: Same quote as b1
2: Same quote as b1
1. Same quote as b1
2. "Here lies my husband dead, struck down justly by my hand."
Sacrifice of Iphigenia, daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra
B1:1. "When she came to her wedding she was carried to the alter to be killed by her father."
2. "She would only send a favorable wind if the king propitiated her by offering up Iphigenia, the most beautiful of his daughters, as a sacrifice to the goddess."
B2:1. Same as B1
2. "Iphigenia was a tragic heroine. She was the first person to have her life flipped upside down because of the Trojan War and it was her death which allowed the Greek fleet to set sail for Troy. Iphigenia was extremely brave and she is the reason why the entire war was able to continue."

1. "His glancing helm was everywhere and one gallant warrior after another fell beneath his terrible bronze spear. When evening ended the battle, the Trojans had driven the Greeks back almost to their ships."
2. "Apollo forbade Hector to enter upon a contest with Achilles, but when the two heroes met, they were protected by Apollo and Athena. The Trojans fled, but Hector, although called back by his parents in the most imploring terms, remained and awaited Achilles."
1."If I kill you, I will give you back to your friends and you do the same for me."
2. "My doom has come upon me; let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that may be told among men hereafter."
1. Same as b2
2. Same as b1

Odysseus, King of Ithaca, "inventor" of the Trojan Horse

B1:1."When the moment came to stand by his sacred oath, Odysseus pretended to be mad, as it had been revealed to him in a prophecy that should he go to war, he would not return for twenty years. His duplicity was reveal when Palemedes placed Odysseus' son, Telemachus, in front of the plough. Odysseus avoided the child, proving he was of reasonable mind. He was compelled to join Menelaus' army.
2. "Once at war he proved to be a shrewd and wise general. In Greek myths the idea of the Wooden Horse, which defeated the Trojans and led to the destruction of the city, is Odysseus' idea."
B2:1. "Renowned for his eloquent and persuasive speaking, Odysseus was called upon many times to give advice. Although he fought bravely he preferred strategy to heroics."
2. "...if anything went wrong...the men inside the wooden horse would surely die. Odysseus, as can be readily believed, had not overlooked this fact....he was prepared."
We did not complete Odysseus.

Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...