PRACTICE QUIZ for "The Olympians" NOTE: I did not find an image of Hades that I felt was "accurate." Please be aware of this when taking your quiz. Good Luck.....
For each image, please identify the Greek and Roman names, the other symbols not present in the image, and all of the god's domains. Please follow this structure for your responses.
1. Visit with someone else regarding your "HANDOUT" assignment. Each student was given one of the 13 Olympians to research. In addition, I gave each student information regarding their particular god. Your assignment requires that you have a minimum of two sources (I gave one to each student), and then you are to locate another source (Internet, your book, etc.) A valid website is "ENCYCLOPEDIA MYTHICA." This assignment is due on MONDAY, September 12th. You should have two copies of your handout. One will be used in class, the other will be given to me. In addition, please make a copy of your additional source (the Internet, book, etc. ), as I want to see the other source you used to obtain information.
2. Start prepping for your quiz covering the gods (Greek and Roman names, symbols and domains). This quiz will take place on Wednesday, September 14th.
Enjoy your weekend! I look forward to seeing you at Homecoming!
May the power of Athena be with you,