Thursday, November 30, 2017

Take Home Quiz for The Iliad

Take-home Quiz/The Iliad 
Without any type of assistance (no notes, no internet, no conferencing, etc.), thoroughly respond to each image in association with the corresponding questions. The questions are located below ALL of the images.  You are welcome to HAND-WRITE your responses. I TRUST YOU! I know that I am giving you a great deal of  "power" in relationship to assigning this as a "take-home" assessment; therefore, I expect you to venerate yourselves and me by being honest!

I have included a "Name Bank" to assist you with the questions. Some characters you are welcome to refer to in general terms.  Paris, Agamemnon, Menelaus, Helen, Odysseus, Iphigenia, Breseis


Each question correlates to the above images. Please focus on specifics, including names, in your responses. REMEMBER THAT YOUR AUDIENCE HAS NO UNDERSTANDING of THE ILIAD'S PLOT LINE......GO DEEP!

1. Explain the significance of this event.How is it even relevant to The Iliad? Please be aware of the bird carved within the marble.

2. Focus on #2 and #3 for this question: Both events depicted are vitally important regarding schema for the epic poem. Explain why an audience needs to grasp both indicated events. Notice a female character in the top left hand corner of the painting; she has just released an object from her hand.

4. Respond to the following text in relationship to the image, and events associated with The Iliad.
"The oracle warned King Priam and his queen that Alexander would cause great and utter destruction. 

5. I'm confused! Explain this image and then justify WHY it is important for a reader to understand?

 6.. Why is this event important to the epic’s plot line?Focus on characterization within your response.  

7.  This image offers insight into characterization. Explain this image. What do you learn from this part of the story? 

8. This is not Paris taking Helen from Sparta! This event acts a the catalyst for Achilles's behavior throughout most of The Iliad.  Explain why this event is important, and why it occurs in the first place.

Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...