Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September 30th, 2015

Dear Mythology kids,
Stop missing class, my young friends. I am not available to assist you on Thursday, and your homework assignment involves significant explanation. PLEASE COMMUNICATE WITH SOMEONE THAT WAS IN CLASS, and return to class PREPARED!

1. Each student received FOUR handouts. Please make sure you stop by the class to collect them.

2. Students were given the first two vocabulary words:
Please communicate with someone in class to obtain what you need for the two words.

3. We discussed concerns with your "Handout" assignment. We reviewed the "dead words" that should never be used in writing, and we reviewed MLA format regarding citation information.

4. Students obtained the moral truths for the following myths:
"Prometheus and Io" and
"Ceys and Alcyone"

5. Students were introduced to the following assignment...."Is Mythology a Lie?" Please read through the assignment. Students were then asked to complete the "This I believe ......" statements for each of the explanatory myths for FRIDAY!


Is Mythology a Lie? What is truth?
“Art is the lie that tells the truth.” –Picasso

Introduction: Several of you indicated on the first day of school that you felt mythology was a lie. I have no doubt that you have a different perspective, especially now that we have discussed the gods and read their corresponding myths. There are always metaphorical truths found in mythological stories. In fact, few great literary works are true in a factual sense; yet their freedom from facts allows the expression of emotional truths in a way factual stories cannot. The other significant aspect to any great literary work involves the connection that the reader can make to himself. Through identifying the universal themes or “moral truths” found within the myths, those that read them are also able to consider their own belief system, and hopefully learn to apply the moral truths on a personal level.

1.      Please consider the following question. “What do you believe in relationship to the moral truths present within each explanatory myth?” Develop “I Believe” statements for each myth. Your final response will take the form of a personal narrative (two actually). Basically, you are going to use the moral lesson found within TWO myths to create two personal narrative responses.

Former student examples:
·         “I believe that make-up is a waste of money.” (“Narcissus”)
·         “ I believe that I love what I hate, and I hate what I love.”  (“Pandora”)
·         “ I believe in the power of one word.” (“Arachne”)
·         “I believe in the blank canvas, and the palette of water colors.” (“Daphne”)
·         “I believe in the “ABC’s.” (Prometheus)

2.      Once you have created “I believe” statements for each myth based upon the moral truths found within the stories, you are to consider how you can connect a personal experience to the statement.  YOU WILL NEED TO THINK as if you were ATHENA!

3.      You are required to create TWO personal narratives based upon the myths that you will eventually “pull from the bag.” So, you might pull “Daphne” and “Pandora,” or “Demeter” and “Ceyx and Alcyone.” Each personal narrative will be a minimum of 500 words (two pages double spaced), and MUST CONTAIN text from the myth to support your “belief” concerning the myth.

4.      Please remember MLA format for your response.

May the power of Athena be with you! I look forward to reading your work!

This I believe……….I believe that…….

“Prometheus”: _________________________________________________________________

“Pandora:” ____________________________________________________________________

“Demeter:” ____________________________________________________________________

“Arachne:” ____________________________________________________________________

“Narcissus and Echo:” ____________________________________________________________

“Daphne:” _____________________________________________________________________

“Prometheus and Io:” ____________________________________________________________

“Ceyx and Alcyone:” _____________________________________________________________

Thursday, September 24, 2015

September 24th, 2015

Dear Mythology Kids,

MID-TERM is UPON US, and some of you are struggling! PLEASE let me know how I can assist you. I recommend that you take advantage of "consultation time" held each Monday.  Remember that you need to be PRO-ACTIVE in relationship to your education! I AM HERE TO HELP!

1. We started class by reviewing  "Prometheus" and "Pandora" in relationship to "moral truths" found within both myths. Students worked in groups, and then we discussed ideas as a class.

2.  We continued our discussion regarding "Pandora," by responding to the following:
Journal #3 entitled   "Hope"
1.Please consider the following quote by Friedrich Nietzsche. "Hope is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs the torment of man." "Talk" to me about this. Do you agree or disagree with Nietzsche? Explain why? Possibly you see his point of view, but you also view "hope" as a positive entity, as well. Please support your opinion with a personal example.

 3. We continued obtaining more detailed information regarding the Greek pantheon. Please refer baxk to my previous post for detailed information conerning Hades, Demeter, Apollo, and Artemis.

1. Please read "Demeter" located in YOUR BOOK! Annotate and notate for theme or moral truths.
2. Please read "Arachne" (given to you) and annotate/notate for theme or moral truths.
3. Please read "Narcissus" (given to you) and annotate notate for theme or moral truths.
(If you missed class, and therefore did not receive a copy of #2 and #3, then you may use the versions of both myths located in your book)
4. Complete the "Is Mythology a Lie" section for EACH MYTH!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

Dear Mythology Kids,
If you missed class, please be aware of the following:

1. Two myths were introduced to you today, "Prometheus" and "Pandora." Both are found within your text. PLEASE read them before returning to class on Thursday.

2. As you read, identify "MORAL TRUTHS" for both myths. Basically, "what is the myth really about?" Consider themes as you read. Identify the theme/moral truth, and then locate text that proves that theme. Please identify two moral truths, and two textual support to prove that theme. THIS IS REQUIRED upon your return.

3. We continued learning more about the Pantheon. We obtained information for Hephaestus, Athena, Poseidon, and Hades (B2). I have include the information obtained in class for you below. Please transfer it to your YELLOW NOTE TAKING SHEET.

  • Athena
  • Zeus swallowed Athena's mother, Metis, because an oracle had informed Zeus that if Metis birthed a son that child would overthrow his father. Zeus felt that he could not risk this, so he swallowed Metis. Athena grew within her father, until one day he experience a terrible headache. Hephaestus, the God of Inventions, sliced open Zeus' head and Athena was born wearing full battle armour and holding a shield and spear.
  • Athena values mankind. She taught them how to create tools, use numbers, create nets, weaving and ships.
  • Athena expected mankind to give gratitude to the gods of Olympus. If they were disrespectful, she punished them. She turns a mortal woman names Arachne into a spider because she failed to thank Athena for her gift. In addition, she said that she was a better weaver than Athena.
  • Athena and Poseidon both wanted Attica as their city-state. The people decided they would select their patron god based upon a gift they offered the people. Athena gave the people an Olive Tree, and Poseidon gave the people a spring of salt water. The people selected Athena as their patron deity; consequently, Poseidon detested Athena.
  • God of the Seas
  • Created the horse to woo  his sister, Demeter. In the process created all the "misfit" animals (zebra, giraffe, hippo, donkey, etc.)
  • Gave the horse to Demeter and created the sea horse for himself
  • Earthquakes
  • Loved his domain due to the secrets he could keep in it
  • Had sex with Medusa in Athena's temple; this angered the goddess. To revenge this wrong, Athena turned Medusa into a GORGON. Medusa was punished for Poseidon's wrong, but Poseidon punished significantly for it.
  • Known for his beautiful smile
  • Easily angered 
  • Highly venerated due to the Greeks being sea faring.


God of Wealth (precious metals found within the earth)
You must pay to enter his domain with a coin (obolus)
Three levels...people are judged based upon HOW THEY LIVED THEIR LIFE
Just/Rhadamanthine....concept of ethics
Cerberus....three headed dog
Steals Persephone and she becomes "Queen of the Underworld"
Persephone spends three months of the year (winter) with Hades and the remaining months she is with her mother ...Persephone eats four pomegranate seeds confining her to the realm of the dead


Goddess of the Harvest
When her daughter Persephone is stolen by Hades, Demeter refuses to let anything grow
Zeus requests that she Persephone be returned to her mother
Demeter rarely lost her temper
Horse is created for her by Poseidon

Artemis and Apollo

Artemis and Apollo

Kill for virginity….she asked her father for eternal virginity, change your mind
ACTEON is a hunter….. changes him to stag and his hounds destroy him
ORION is a hunter ….Apollo kills ORION…..
Apollo is jealous of his sister ….scorpion and it stings Orion….Artemis places Orion and the scorpion in the stars
Apollo falls in love with Daphne…VIRGIN (Artemis), REVENGE!
Apollo is competitive…..”ROCK competition"”
2nd fav. To Zeus…..perfect
Ephesus is her city state.
 Apollo is the god of "Truth." 
His city state is called Delphi
He destroys the Python that tormented his mother and then draped its skin over his throne.
The women that worked for him were called Oracle or Pythian preistesses
He had his own athletic games called the Pythian Games; they were held in honor of the Python that he killed.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Friday, September 18th

Dear Mythology Kids,

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. If you are going to Homecoming, remember to tell your date that she/he is JUNOESQUE or APPOLONIAN!

If you missed class, we completed the following:
1. Each student took the test covering the Greek Pantheon. PLEASE communicate with me if you missed this assessment.
2. We started obtaining additional information about Zeus and Hera. I have included the information that we discussed in class below. PLEASE copy and paste this information to the YELLOW HANDOUT located in your NOTE section that has images of all the gods on it.


  • controls all aspects of the weather
  • tricks Hera into marrying him by transforming into a cuckoo bird
  • Hera is his second wife
  • Metis is his first wife (she is the mother to Athena)
  • shape shifts into animals in order to woe women
  • has numerous affairs
  • Just
  • has difficulties in making decisions
  • god of athletes/athletic events were held in his honor/wore "crown" of oak leaves
  • Punishes Prometheus for creating mankind

  • Zeus transforms into a cuckoo bird. Hera loves animals, and finds a "cuckoo bird" outside her window trapped in a storm. She brings the bird to her breast and states, "I will love you forever, cuckoo bird, and I swear by the River Styx that I will honor this vow." At this point, Zeus returned to his true form, raped Hera, and told her that she had to honor her vow by marrying him. If you swore by Styx your oath could not be broken.
  • She loves animals.
  • Hephaestus is her son without a father (in some versions) Hera was angry that Zeus had given birth to Athena without the assistance of a mother, so she gave birth to Hephaestus without a father. He was born ugly and unshapen, so she cast him off Mt. Olympus.
  • Due to Zeus' affairs, Hera takes her anger and frustrations out on Zeus' lovers and children.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday, September 10th, 2015

Dear Mythology Kids,
Enjoy your weekend! 

STOP MISSING CLASS, cute kids! If you miss,  then please return to class knowing what you missed! Communicate with me, check out the blog, or visit with a friend from class. YOU NEED TO BE PRO-ACTIVE, and if you need help, then please don't hesitate to ask! Remember that this is YOUR education!

1. We went to the library where everyone located a source for the handout assignment via the internet. REMEMBER THAT YOU NEED TWO SOURCES, the one I gave you in class, and the one you located today in the lab. BOTH NEED TO BE ANNOTATED FOR MONDAY!

2. We then took a practice quiz to help acclimate you for the official test over the Greek Pantheon, which will take place on Wednesday. Please come in to visit with me about the journal entry, so I can explain it to you.

3. We then completed obtaining all the information covering the Greek Pantheon.

1. Please read pages 24-36 in your book. Identify 3-5 points of interest for each god. Those of you that have your own book, should annotate within the book, and those of you that don't, then use a separate sheet of notebook paper.  This is due on Monday!
2. Remember that your handout is due on MONDAY! Please read through the entire assignment, so you are clear on ALL OF THE REQUIREMENTS. You need to make sure that the sources you use for information are annotated/notated.
3. You will have a TEST covering the GREEK PANTHEON on WEDNESDAY! I have included the practice test for you below. I would use a seperate sheet of paper.


PRACTICE TEST for "The Olympians" NOTE: I did not find an image of Hades that I felt was "accurate." Please be aware of this when taking your quiz. Good Luck..... REMEMBER THAT YOU SHOULD NOT USE YOUR NOTES for this assessment! USE THIS AS A PRE-TEST!

For each image, please identify the Greek and Roman names, the other symbols not present in the image, and all of the god's domains. Please follow this structure for each response.








Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome Back from Labor Day! 09/08/2015

Dear Mythology Kids,
If you missed class, please stop by and visit with me! You have a significant assignment due on THURSDAY that involves obtaining some informational text from me.

2. We completed grading your "QUESTs!"
3. We started working on the Olympians in relationship to identifying them by Greek/Roman names, Symbols and Domains! We will continue to work on this Thursday! Please communicate with someone in class, so that you have the information that you missed.

NOTE: Each student was assigned a specific god, and then given reading material that offered reliable information about that god. If you missed class, please come see me.

1. Each student received information from me, that they in turn, were asked to read and underline points that they found interesting for Thursday!
2. Your "Handout Assignment" is due on Monday!

Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...