Sunday, October 30, 2016

Friday, October 28th, 2016

Dear Mythology Kids,

Please remember the following.......
If you know that you are going to miss class, and an assignment is due on the day that you miss, then you need to make sure you submit it on the assigned due date. If you choose not to, then you are welcome to submit it the day you return to school, but you will only receive up to 50% of what the assignment's worth, unless, of course, you choose to submit the assignment with your HW coupon. WHY? It is late, my young friends!  Communication is the key, my young friends. ALWAYS COMMUNICATE with me regarding your absences. I am so happy to work with you if you put forth the effort and act as advocates for yourselves!

If you missed class, we completed the following.....
1. Students were introduced to a unique ANNOTATING/NOTATING METHOD using COLORS. Please see my notes below, and then I suggest communicating with a friend that was in class on FRIDAY! Ask them to explain the NOTATION portion of your assignment. Each student was give an article regarding HADES. We will begin our discussing regarding Hades on Tuesday, and I am asking you to read the article in order to have some schema before we begin. DO NOT MISS CLASS ON TUESDAY, as Hades can be tricky to understand without some strong explanation.
  • If you  find a section of text confusing then you would underline it using BROWN.
  • If you are able to make a connection to your own life then you would underline that section of text using your PURPLE.
  • Another way to annotate is by asking QUESTIONS about the text. RED is the color you will use for this annotation.
  • If text gives you a different perspective then GREEN is your annotation color.
  • ORANGE is the color you will use if you come across text that you find interesting
  • YELLOW (i'm using black here, so you can SEE IT).....if you come across a vocab word that you do not know, then underline it using YELLOW!  

THIS IS THE ARTICLE REGARDING HADES! Please annotate/notate the article using any or all the colors that you want. Yu need a total of 10-15 annotations/notations for the entire article.  Please print it off, and have it ready to submit on Tuesday.


            When the Greeks buried their dead, they put a coin under the corpse’s tongue so that his soul could pay the fare on the ferry that crossed the river Styx.  Souls who couldn’t pay for the ride had to wait on this side of the river.  Sometimes they came back to haunt those who hadn’t given them the fare.
            On the other side of the river was a great wall.  Its gate was guarded by Cerberus, a three-headed dog who had an appetite for live meat and attacked everyone but spirits.  Beyond the gate, in Tartarus, was a great wide field shaded by black poplars.  Here lived the dead—heroes and cowards, soldiers, shepherds, priests, minstrels, slaves.  They wandered back and forth aimlessly.  When the spoke, they twittered like bats.  Here they awaited trial by three judges—Minos, Rhadamanthys, and Aeacus.
            Those who had particularly displeased the gods were given special punishment.  Sisyphus must always push a huge rock uphill.  Each time he gets it halfway up, it breaks loose and rolls down to the bottom, and he must begin again.  And this he will do for all time.  Tantalus has been given a burning thirst and set chin-deep in a cool, clear stream of water.  But every time he bends to put his lips to the water, it shrinks away, and he can never drink.  Here he will stand as long as Sisyphus rolls his stone.
            But these are special cases.  Most of the souls were judged to be not too good and not too bad, but simply dead.  They went back to the field, which is called the Field of Asphodel, to wait—for nothing.
            Those judged to be of unusual virtue went to the Elysian Fields close by.  Here it was always holiday.  The air was full of music.  The shades danced and played all day long—all night long too—for the dead need no sleep.  Also, these happy spirits had the option of being reborn on earth.  Only the bravest accepted.  There was a special part of Elysium called the Isles of the Blest.  Here lived those who had been three times born and three times gained Elysium.
            Hades and his queen lived in a great palace made of black rock.  He was very jealous of his brothers and scarcely ever left his domain.  He as fiercely possessive, gloated over every new arrival, and demanded a headcount from Charon at the close of each day.  Never did he allow any of his subjects to escape.  Nor did he allow a mortal to visit Tartarus and return.  There were only two exceptions to this rule, and those are other stories.
            The palace grounds and the surrounding fields were called Erebus; this was the deepest part of the underworld.  No birds flew here, but the sound of wings was heard; for here lived the Erinyes, or Furies, who were older than the gods.  Their names were Tisiphone, Alecto, and Megaera.  They were hags, with snaky hair, red-hot eyes, and yellow teeth.  They slashed the air with metal-studded whips, and when they found a victim, they whipped the flesh from his bones.  Their task was to visit earth and punish evil-doers, especially those feared; no one dared say their name.  But they were referred to as the “Eumenides,” or Kindly Ones.  Hades valued them.  They enriched his kingdom, for their attentions persuaded people to suicide.  He enjoyed their conversation.  When they returned to Erebus after their work was done, they circled low over the palace grounds, screaming their tale, and the latest gossip.
            Hades was well-cast to rule the dead.  He was violent, loathed change, and was given to slow black rage.  His most dramatic hour was when he kidnaped Persephone and made her his queen.  But that belongs to the next story.

2. Students were then asked to visit about their homework assignment entitled "TITAN." Students were placed in groups, and a discussion took place regarding their interpretation of the questions posed on the Journal entry #6. Students submitted the entry and their paragraph response.  WELL DONE to those of you that missed class, and submitted your assignment on the due date! 

3. Students then finished the flow chart regarding "ANTIGONE." We started reading the myth in class, but we did not finish. We will finish reading it on Tuesday. MITCH and DANNY did a great job of trying to take on the roles of the "guard" and "Kreon." You both made an attempt, and that is what matters. For those of you that were absent, Please read the myth up to the second to the last page.

 "Antigone" by Charles Walsh

4. Students were also given two additional vocabulary words:
LACONIC and VENERATE.....Communicate with a friend in class. DO NOT COPY THEIR WORK, but have them explain the words to you, specifically the etymology. 

1. Please read, annotate, and notate the article regarding HADES! You need 10-15 annotations/notations total.
2. Students received the "MODERN DAY GOD" assignment back. Students were offered 10 point to revise the essay again, but only if they were not happy with the final score.

I hope you have a great weekend! I look forward to seeing you on TUESDAY!   

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 19th, 2016

Dear Mythology Kids,
I hope you have a great Fall Break! If you missed class, we completed the following:

1 Students were given schema regarding the "Oedipus" myth. This information was recorded on the back of the "Greek Drama" handout. The following images were used to guide students through offering schema. If you missed class, please communicate with a friend.

2. We then read the myth together. It is located on page 269 in your textbook. You will need to read it as homework!

3. Students worked on Journal #5 entitled "Oedipus." They were given two moral questions, and then asked to consider their own personal view, and then how the question is relevant to "Oedipus."

1. If a person is not taught that something is wrong, and then they commit that crime, are they guilty? Explain.
2. Do you believe in fate or choice? Explain.

Students were then given  their "take home" quiz covering Oedipus.  We discussed the structure of the response. Please communicate with a friend from class. USING YOUR BOOK IS A REQUIREMENT, as you must use text for concrete detail elements.

OLIVIA, please respond to the following prompt in association with the included text (blue).. Please consider the irony associated with the prompt, and how the irony affects the audience. This is due on Wednesday upon your return.


  "...whoever had murdered King Laius must be punished. Oedipus was relieved. Surely the man or men could be found after all these years, and they should know well how to punish him."

Students submitted their Personal Narrative assignment, and I returned the "Modern Day God" essay. 

1. Oedipus Quiz
2. Revision of Introductory paragraph regarding "Modern Day God" paper. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Monday, October 17th, 2016

Dear Mythology Kids,
If you missed class, we completed the following....

1. Students were given Journal #5 entitled "Greek Theater" review Parts 1 and 2. The students were shown the following images, and asked to do their best concerning recall. If you missed class on Monday, then please complete the entry prior to returning to class on Wednesday.

Journal "Greek Theater Review" Parts 1 and 2
Let’s see what you can recall from our last class period…..
Please explain this image to me. In your explanation, I don’t expect you to remember the woman’s name, (it’s Semele by the way), but you should indicate the male on the left,
and a female not pictured.  

2. These images are depicting the same event. One is from ancient Greece, and the other is a modern interpretation of the myth. Give me some schema on the depicted event.

3.  The character depicted here has three names… a Greek, a Roman, and a name that is highly symbolic of his birth and domain. Explain the symbolism of the third name in relationship to the character’s domain.

3. Students then reviewed the dramatic element of irony by viewing the a short film called "The Last Farm." It is easily accessible on Youtube. It is a foreign film, but there are sub-titles. This is "part 2" of the journal entry. Please identify all the elements of dramatic and situation irony within the film. We then review as a class.

4. We continued by obtaining some background information on the play "Oedipus." 

Please obtain this information from someone in class.

1. Remember that your personal narrative is due on Wednesday. Please let me know if you need help!
2. Please read "Dionysus" in your text....pgs. 55-64 for Wednesday.
3. Your homework coupons are due on Wednesday.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Thursday, October 13th, 2016

Dear Mythology Kids,

THE TERM ENDS on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26th! Please let me know how I can assist you. I an not available to help after Tuesday, Oct. 18th. 

If you  miss class, then focus on always being pro-active...check the blog, communicate with a friend, and/or communicate with me You need to be prepared when you return to class, my young friends!

If you missed class, we completed the following.....

1. Students were introduced to the following concepts:

  Students reviewed the literary tool of IRONY! WHY? Well, from this point until the end of the year, the myths all have elements of irony within them; consequently reviewing this literary device is essential.

IRONY is  a literary tool that causes the audience to question possible attended outcomes.
  • Verbal Irony:  when a speaker speaks something contradictory to what he intends to. It is an intentional product of the speaker and is contradictory to his/her emotions and actions. 
  • Dramatic Irony:  when the audience has information that characters within the literary text do not. THIS IS THE MOST COMMON FORM OF IRONY!
  • Situational Irony: when the audience's expectation is completely different than the outcome.
3. Students were introduced to DIONYSUS/BACCHUS! Please communicate with a friend in order to obtain the information regarding Dionysus.Dionysus is the Greek god of performance(theater), wine, and merriment. He is also referred to as the "TWICE BORN!" We had a brief introduction regarding Greek drama, as the next myth we read, Oedipus, was performed on stage.


1. Please read the myth entitled "Dionysus" located on pg. 55 in your book. This is due on Monday!
2. Your "This I Believe Personal Narrative" is due on Wednesday. WORK ON THIS OVER THE WEEKEND!
3. Please make sure you have your book with you both Monday and Wednesday next week.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Dear Mythology kids,
Stop missing class, my young friends. I am not available to assist you on Thursday, and your homework assignment involves significant explanation. PLEASE COMMUNICATE WITH SOMEONE THAT WAS IN CLASS, and return to class PREPARED!

!. Students were introduced to the following assignment...."Is Mythology a Lie?" Please read through the assignment. Students were then asked to complete the "This I believe ......" statements for each of the explanatory myths for TUESDAY! YOU WILL NEED TO COMMUNICATE with a friend in class about what we did.


Is Mythology a Lie? What is truth?
“Art is the lie that tells the truth.” –Picasso
Introduction: Several of you indicated on the first day of school that you felt mythology was a lie. I have no doubt that you have a different perspective, especially now that we have discussed the gods and read their corresponding myths. There are always metaphorical truths found in mythological stories. In fact, few great literary works are true in a factual sense; yet their freedom from facts allows the expression of emotional truths in a way factual stories cannot. The other significant aspect to any great literary work involves the connection that the reader can make to himself. Through identifying the universal themes or “moral truths” found within the myths, those that read them are also able to consider their own belief system, and hopefully learn to apply the moral truths on a personal level.
1.      Please consider the following question. “What do you believe in relationship to the moral truths present within each explanatory myth?” Develop “I Believe” statements for each myth. Your final response will take the form of a personal narrative (two actually). Basically, you are going to use the moral lesson found within TWO myths to create two personal narrative responses.
Former student examples:
·         “I believe that make-up is a waste of money.” (“Narcissus”)
·         “ I believe that I love what I hate, and I hate what I love.”  (“Pandora”)
·         “ I believe in the power of one word.” (“Arachne”)
·         “I believe in the blank canvas, and the palette of water colors.” (“Daphne”)
·         “I believe in the “ABC’s.” (Prometheus)
2.      Once you have created “I believe” statements for each myth based upon the moral truths found within the stories, you are to consider how you can connect a personal experience to the statement.  YOU WILL NEED TO THINK as if you were ATHENA!
3.      You are required to create ONE personal narratives based upon the myths that you will eventually “pull from the bag.” So, you might pull “Daphne” or possibly “Pandora,” or “Demeter.  The personal narrative will be a minimum of 500 words (two pages double spaced), and MUST CONTAIN text from the myth to support your “belief” concerning the myth.
4.      Please remember MLA format for your response.
May the power of Athena be with you! I look forward to reading your work!

“Prometheus”: _________________________________________________________________
“Pandora:” ____________________________________________________________________
“Demeter:” ____________________________________________________________________
“Arachne:” ____________________________________________________________________
“Narcissus and Echo:” ____________________________________________________________
“Daphne:” _____________________________________________________________________
“Prometheus and Io:” ____________________________________________________________
“Ceyx and Alcyone:” _____________________________________________________________

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

October 4th, 2016

Dear Mythology Kids,
If you missed class on Monday, this was the scenario....

1. Everyone expected to take the quiz covering the Greek gods we had studied up to that point, but I noticed that the quiz had some questions on it that I didn't think were fair, so we postponed it until WEDNESDAY! It will happen on WEDNESDAY. It will cover ALL THE PANTHEON!

2. Students were given a new assignment. It is located in the homework section of your notebook. Locate the assignment called "Modern Day God." Please read the assignment. The essay portion is due on Friday, and the research portion is due on WEDNESDAY. Students were asked to located a minimum of TWO resources focusing on the person that will the point of comparison for the chosen god. Those sources need to be annotated for comparative points. IF YOU MISSED CLASS, PLEASE COMMUNICATE WITH A FRIEND.  Make sure you read the information regarding the assignment. IT IS IN YOUR NOTEBOOK!

3. We completed the information regarding Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, and Hermes. We will finish with Aphrodite and Ares on Wednesday.

Practice Quiz 
1. "Sea Foam" is my name. ____________/____________
2. The Python must die. _______________/___________________
3. Justify your response for #2
4. The Parker Brothers, game makers by trade, received their talent from me. __________/___________
5. The Pythian games were held in honor of Hera. _____________/______________
6. Explain #5
7. I am the god of theives. ______________/_____________
8. Justify your response for #7.
9. Mercantile, Commercial, Commerce .______________/______________
10. Justify your response for #9.

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday. Remember to have your TWO SOURCES with you for your "Modern Day God" essay.


Sunday, October 2, 2016

September 28th, 2016

Dear Mythology Kids,

Better late than never, right? Here is the practice quiz for your quiz on Monday. I'm sorry that I am just now posting it; I think you will still have time to complete it before I see you tomorrow.

1. I was in the operating room the night my brother my born. _____________/_____________
2. Love can not live where there is not trust. _____________/_____________
3. Justify your response for #2.
4. I would make an excellent AP statistics teacher. _____________/_____________
5. My father gave me many gifts due to my beauty. ______________/_____________
6. Quails are my favorite bird. ________________/__________________
7. Justify your response or #6.
8. I am crazy for cuckoo birds. _______________/______________
9. "He resembled a tadpole when I found him." _______________/_______________
10. Justify your response for #9.

If you missed class, we obtained information for Hephaestus, Artemis, and Apollo. Your quiz will pertain to Hera, Hephaestus, Artemis, and Apollo. Note the information for these members of the pantheon below.


  • Zeus transforms into a cuckoo bird. Hera loves animals, and finds a "cuckoo bird" outside her window trapped in a storm. She brings the bird to her breast and states, "I will love you forever, cuckoo bird, and I swear by the River Styx that I will honor this vow." At this point, Zeus returned to his true form, raped Hera, and told her that she had to honor her vow by marrying him. If you swore by Styx your oath could not be broken.
  • She loves animals.
  • Hephaestus is her son without a father (in some versions) Hera was angry that Zeus had given birth to Athena without the assistance of a mother, so she gave birth to Hephaestus without a father. He was born ugly and unshapen, so she cast him off Mt. Olympus.
  • Due to Zeus' affairs, Hera takes her anger and frustrations out on Zeus' lovers and children.

Artemis and Apollo

Artemis and Apollo

Kill for virginity….she asked her father for eternal virginity, change your mind
ACTEON is a hunter….. changes him to stag and his hounds destroy him
ORION is a hunter ….Apollo kills ORION…..
Apollo is jealous of his sister ….scorpion and it stings Orion….Artemis places Orion and the scorpion in the stars
Apollo falls in love with Daphne…VIRGIN (Artemis), REVENGE!
Apollo is competitive…..”ROCK competition"”
2nd fav. To Zeus…..perfect
Ephesus is her city state.
 Apollo is the god of "Truth." 
His city state is called Delphi
He destroys the Python that tormented his mother and then draped its skin over his throne.
The women that worked for him were called Oracle or Pythian preistesses
He had his own athletic games called the Pythian Games; they were held in honor of the Python that he killed.
1. Please read "Daphne" located on pages 119-120 in your book. Identify the "moral truths" found in the myths and include them on the white packet that you received last time.
2. Please read "Prometheus and Io" located on p. 79 in your book. Identify the "moral truths" found in the myths and include them on the white packet that you received last time.
3. Plan on a quiz covering the Greek gods discussed today....Hera, Hephaestus, Apollo, and Artemis

Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...