Monday, November 9, 2009

RESEARCH DAY for your characters......

The Power of RESEARCH!

Dear Mythology Kids,

If you missed class on Thursday, we spent the majority of our time in the library researching the particular characters that were assigned to you last Thursday. If you were not in class, then you need to make sure you have the following for Wednesday

.1. The information you are going to use for your website must be written down on one piece of paper. The students that were present today (Monday), were given an "outline" of how they are to record their information. I would prefer that you use the same format; however, under the circumstances, you will not have this handout. So, use a blank sheet of paper, divide it vertically, and record the information about one character in the left column and the other character in the right column.

2. You should also select the images you want to include on your web page to help us. Please select these pictures through "Google Images," and record the URLs for each image on "your" outline. You must include the URLs in your Work Cited, so you might as well record them here, too.

3. Remember that you need to have a total of SIX SOURCES (two from the Internet, and then four from book sources). I am also requiring that you record ALL of your works cited information on your "outline," as it needs to be posted on your website, which we will create in class on WEDNESDAY

.4. ALL of your information needs to be recorded in ONE LOCATION! I will check this off when I see you in class on Wednesday.

5. Let me know if you have any questions. You can reach me via e-mail at


1. Remember that your "Underworld" is due on Wednesday. You will need THREE copies of the written portion. Your diagram is also due on Wednesday.


Obtain the information for these words via the INTERNET!

I will visit with you on Wednesday.

Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...