Monday, November 30, 2009

WELCOME BACK! I hope you enjoyed your break!

Dear Mythology Classes,

We continued our presentations today. The following characters were presented:
  • Lotus-Eaters/Polyphemus
  • Aeolus/Laestragonians
  • Circe/Sirens


1. Please read "Cupid and Psyche" pg. 96 (on quiz)

2. Please read "Midas" pgs. 292-293 (on quiz)

3. Please read "Daedalus" pgs. 144-145 (on quiz)

4. You will have a quiz on Wed.covering the following characters:

  • Minotaur/Daedalus
  • Ariadne/Pan/Midas
  • Medusa/Graea or Grey Witches
  • Andromeda/Casseopeia
  • Eris/Eros
  • Chiron/Muses

Your "practice quiz" is below. Please identify the BEST character from the given prompt and the hero associated with each.


1. We have never known the benefits of youth. _____________ (we) ____________(hero)
2. I "own" a cement company. ____________ (I) ________________ (hero
3. "Do you need some thread for your shoe?" _______________ ___________ (hero)
4. Because you abandoned my wife, I will make you forget the colors of black and white _____________ (wife) _____________ (hero)
5. "My love for it is so full of bull." ___________ (associated monster) __________(hero)
6. I am kept in a labyrinth. ________________ (I) _______________ (hero)
7. My love, Shrinx, will always remain close to my lips. _____________ (my)

8. I excel at creating decoy cows, mazes, and wings. __________( I) ___________(hero)

9. My mother is the guilty party. I am innocent of arrogance towards the gods. __________ (I) _____________ (hero)

10. We have taught many students how to "sing and dance." ____________ (we)

11. I taught Achilles the art of warfare. ____________(I) ____________(hero)

12. I helped my true love collect the beauty of Persephone. _____________ (I)

13. I love roller-coasters because I value hanging upside down. __________(I) ____________ (hero)

14. "Nurse" of Contention _____________(nurse) ____________(hero)

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.



Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...