Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tuesday, December 11th

 THIS IS THE HANDOUT used in our class discussion regarding Homer's Iliad. Please cut and paste it as a Word document and then place it in your binder. We started working on this in class, but we did not complete it; we will do so onTuesday.

What is an epic?

The Iliad is about:



The Odyssey is about:

Did the Trojan War actually take place and what was the cause?

Who discovered the ancient city of Troy?

“Road Map:”

“Schliemann's scar:”

Using a well read copy of The Iliad as his reference guide, he chose a spot on the Asian coast of Turkey called the Mound of Hissarlik, and began digging for the famous city of Troy. In the course of four years, he uncovered nine successive cities built on top of each other. The sixth city he declared the “City of Troy,” or as Schliemann called it the “Burnt City.” Later archaeologists through carbon dating and additional archaeological discoveries, proved that Schliemann's choice was accurate. What was once thought to be myth had been proven historically correct.

What we know about Homer.....

Many scholars have asked the question, “Were the epic poems of The Iliad and The Odyssey written by one poet or were they collective efforts on the part of several poets?” We will never know the answer to this question. Most scholars agree that “a Homer” existed, that he lived in the 8th or 9th century B.C., and that he was a well-known poet. Some references to Homer indicate that he was blind, which has been interpreted as a “sign of his greatness.” We know that Homer had a strong command of the written language, and that at one point he could see. His love for beauty and gory details are too advanced, especially for someone who might have been blind his entire life. He lived about 500 years after the events at Troy; therefore, the story he told was not original with him, but had been passed down in the oral tradition of the times.

Allow me to share two excerpts from The Iliad with you.

“...the spear of bronze went through

Below the brain and shattered the white bones,

Dashed out his teeth, and filled his eyes with blood;

And blood he spurted gaping through his mouth

And nose; and death's dark cloud encompassed him.”

Book XVI, lines 345-350

“Then answered Hector of the flashing helm,

His strength all gone: 'I beg thee by my life,

Thy knees, thy parents, leave me not for dogs

Of the Acheans by the ship to eat,

But rather take abundant stores of bronze and gold-

My king and queenly mother will give it thee-

And render back my body to my home,

So that the Trojans and the Trojans' wives

May give me due meed of fire in death.'

But scowling at him swift Achilles said,

“Do not entreat me, dog, by knees or parents ,

I only wish I had the heart and will

To hack the flesh off thee and eat it raw......”

Book XXII, lines 317-330

1. Remember that your "Personal Mythology " is due on Thursday.
2. Work on your  mosaic, my young friends.
3. You must have your mosaic supplies with you on Thursday.
4. QUIZ on Thursday covering the introductory information to the Iliad.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,

STOP MISSING CLASS, guys especially on the days when you have SIGNIFICANT ASSIGNMENTS DUE! Those of you that missed class will need to submit your HOMEWORK COUPON with your NATURE MYTH in order to receive credit for it.

"A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT, cute kids! Please visit with a friend  prior to checking with me!"

1. You missed two new vocabulary words:
  • GORGONIZE and SISYPHEAN (look the definitions up on your own)
2. You missed submitting your nature myth revision (accompanied with your edited copy) and your mosaic.

3. You missed the definition of ALLUSION and REFERENCE

4. You missed the discussion regarding TWO PIECES of poetry pertaining to ICARUS!

I used Icarus as my focus for emphasizing how frequently references and allusions to mythology arise in literary work. This, of course, is due to the fact that universal themes are always prevalent within the myths; therefore, audiences of all types can connect with the themes that are used.
5. You missed the explanation for a new assignment entitled "Personal Mythology." I will post a copy of the assignment below. I am writing from home, and do not have the assignment here. In the mean time, please visit with a friend from class.

1. Read the student example regarding the "Personal Mythology" assignment.
2. START working on your "Personal Mythology." DUE DATE is THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13th
3. STOP MISSING CLASS, unless you have recently had BACK SURGERY!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,
Don't forget that you will have a QUIZ covering the irony found within the myth of "Heracles," and how those aspects of irony add to the pathos experienced by our hero on Friday!

"How do I prepare for the quiz, Crampton?"

"Make sure you have read the myth of Heracles found on page 166 in your textbook. In addition, review the storyboard that we worked on in class on Thursday.

"Will there be extra credit for this quiz?"

"Absolutely! I have listed the aspects of irony below. Respond to each one as if you were taking the actual quiz. Originally, I was going to have you complete one of the six questions, but I have changed my mind. You will answer two of the six listed. If you review this way, you will clearly be successful, as you will have two of the six included below, you just don't know which two. You are to discuss the irony found in each excerpt from the myth of “Heracles,” and how the irony adds to the pathos experienced by Heracles. Please be thorough in your response; assume that your audience has no schema on the character of Heracles. Cut and paste the questions into a Word document, and then respond to them on your computer.

1.) Athena “found” the infant Heracles outside the walls of Thebes, where Alcmene had abandoned him in fear of Hera’s jealousy. Athena showed the child to Hera and urged the goddess to pity the beautiful child so cruelly neglected.
2.) The goddess drove Heracles temporally mad, and he killed his children, Megara as well—thinking they were either wild beasts or enemies of Thebes. When his sanity returned, Heracles exiled himself from Thebes for his crime. He traveled to Delphi to ask the oracle how best to atone for his crime. The priestess of the oracle instructed Heracles to go to Tiryns and perform any 10 labors devised for him by King Eurystheus.
3.) Eurystheus directed Heracles to kill the Lernaean Hydra (water snake) as his second labor. Heracles slew the beast by chopping off its immortal head and burying the still-hissing head under a rock. Before returning to Tiryns, Heracles dipped his arrows in the poisonous blood of the Hydra. Thereafter, anyone wounded with one of these arrows would die.
4.) The goddess sent two poisonous serpents with flaming eyes to destroy both Heracles and his half-brother Iphicles. Yet the mighty infant seized one in each hand and easily strangled the serpents, thinking they were toys he found great glee in his kill of the snakes.
5.) The perfect host, Admetus entertained his guest while hiding the fact that he was mourning for his wife, Alcestis. When Heracles discovered his host’s secret, he rushed to Alcestis tomb. Upon bringing her back to Admetus, the host promptly died.
       6) "He sent his servant home to Deianeira in order to obtain the special ceremonial shirt he wore on    these religious occasions. When the servant mentioned to Deianeira that Iole was to accompany Heracles, Deianeira feared that her husband loved the beautiful princess.”

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,

If you missed class, we completed the following:

1. Each student was given another student's nature myth to edit. This assignment is due for everyone on FRIDAY. Please stop by and visit with me, so that I can give you the myth that you will be evaluating.

2. We then continued with discussing the "Hercules" myth. I asked students to read pages 166-179 for Wednesday. Plan on a quiz covering Heracles on FRIDAY.

3. We discussed ALL the labors and how he was able to accomplish them.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 8th, 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,

If you missed class, we completed the following:

1. Each student submitted their NATURE MYTH! If you missed class, you will need to submit your myth IMMEDIATELY, as you have known about this assignment for such a LONG TIME! I would appreciate receiving it from you BEFORE SCHOOL BEGINS on FRIDAY. Your HOMEWORK COUPON needs to accompany it.

2. Each student completed their quiz covering the "Perseus" myth. We then corrected the quizzes.

3. Everyone was introduced to HERACLES/HERCULES today with a new storyboard. If you missed class, you will need to stop by and obtain the story board, and then visit with a friend in class.

1. NONE!
2. For those of you that have not traced their mosaics yet, you need to do so as soon as possible. The librarians need to complete an inventory concerning all the equipment, so the projectors have to be returned on or before DECEMBER 1st. TAKE CARE OF YOUR TRACING ASAP, my young friends. You are welcome to come before, during or after school.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,
If you missed class, the following was reviewed:

1. Journal #3: "Hero"
Define the term "hero." Who do you consider heroic and why? What qualities do heroes possess?
We discussed the archetypal Greek hero and the qualities possessed by the hero.

Heroes in ancient Greek were given this title because they experienced what is known as PATHOS, or in other words, they suffered more than other individuals. Through their suffering they became stronger.

B2 Kids, 
The traits that we DID NOT DISCUSS are highlighted for you in PURPLE.

•1. They are flawed.

•2. They experience PATHOS, or they suffer more than the average person

•3. They are "Born" : There are two types of "births"

•a. They are conceived in an unusual manner

•b. The hero is "born" when they realize that they possess unique traits

•4. They are always assisted by a "goddess" (female character)

•5. They marry/associated with someone that causes them great pain and anguish

•6. They experience what is known as an "IGNITION EVENT." This event is usually, but not always, tragic. It causes them to "ignite" into action.

•7. They are faced with physical and emotional challenges.
•8. Through these challenges they become enlightened (more knowledgeable/physically and emotionally stronger)

•9. Their deaths are usually violent.

NOTE: Heroes experience at least 6 out of the 9 qualities. THE ARCHETYPAL HERO is an individual that possesses these characteristics.

1. Nature Myth is due for you on Thursday, Nov. 8th.
 2. Plan on a quiz covering the information we discussed regarding the nine traits of a hero
3. Please read the article I gave you today entitled "The Heroes Adventure." Please annotate and notate the text...5-7/ ALL THE COLORS. Stop by my room to collect the article.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, October 29th, 2012

Welcome to your Mosaic assignment....

Dear Mythology Kids,

If you missed class, we completed the following:

1. I introduced the mosaic assignment to each class today.

What is a mosaic? A piece of artwork that is comprised of many different pieces. Please see the examples of mosaics below.

Why were they so important to the ancient Greeks? They took the subjects from their mythology and literally cemented them into mosaic artwork.

Nemean Lion


I look forward to seeing the subjects you have chosen for your mosaics. For those of you that missed class on today (October 29,2012) we completed the following:

1. Introduction of your "Mosaic Assignment"

•Your mosaic must be at least 11 x 17 in size

•The subject may be any aspect associated with our study of Classical Mythology (gods, lesser gods, heroes, monsters, and specific myths and their characters)

•You need to be passionate about your selection.

•If you elect to draw the subject, extra-credit will be given

•If your mosaic is larger than the required size, extra-credit will be given

If you missed class, please stop by so we can visit about your assignment.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,
If you missed class, we completed the following:

1. We discussed the structure regarding your final exam. Please see the review below.
2. We completed our discussion regarding Greek theater
3. We read "Oedipus" located on pages 268-272
4. Students were introduced to the companion piece to "Oedipus," also written by Sophocles, entitled "Antigone."
 Hang in there, cute kids! Your first quarter is almost over. Please let me know what I can do to assist you.

ANTIGONE, the courageous daughter of OEDIPUS, was introduced to you today!

1. I introduced the myth of "ANTIGONE" (pg. 273). MAKE SURE YOU READ THE MYTH! "Antigone" is the companion piece to "Oedipus." It is the myth of what happens to Oedipus after he blinds himself and is banished from Thebes. Antigone is the oldest female child of Oedipus and Jocata. We read the myth in class, and then started reading the play "Anitgone" by Sophocles together. We did not finish reading in class, so make sure you have read the blue copy of the play by Tuesday. It was originally written as a myth, and then retold as a drama by Sophocles. It is a story about doing what is honorable and just, even when you are the only individual who has the courage to behave with such fortitude. Please make sure you are familiar with the characters of Creon, Haemon, Antigone, Etoecles, Polynieces, and Ismene for your upcoming exam.

2. We viewed a clip from Oedipus performed by the London Shakespeare Company. I shared this with everyone as a review.


Mythology Exam

I ask that you complete the following review, as doing so will give you insight regarding areas where you need to spend additional time concerning your review. In essence, you can use the review as a pre-test. Answer the questions without using your handouts or book. If you need assistance with certain questions, then you know that those particular questions need greater review. PLEASE USE A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER, as you don’t have adequate space for your responses below. You will submit your review prior to the exam on THURSDAY!

You will see 55 different pieces of artwork. Each drawing, painting, sketch, statue, etc. pertains to the areas of mythology we have discussed this term. I will ask you specific questions about each overhead. For example, you may be asked to “identify the myth illustrated” or “identify the god,” or “explain what is taking place in the image, “ etc. The best way to completely prepare for your exam, is to go through each question below, as some aspect will appear on the test.

I ask that you use ONE SIDE of a 3x5 card to assist you with some aspects that you might find difficult to recall. Yes, this is compulsory, my young friends. It’s call “insurance.” You may not need to use the card, but if you do, then it is available to you. IF YOU DO NOT USE THE CARD, then I will add five points of extra-credit to your exam score. If you use the card then no penalty will apply.

One of my goals as your teacher is for you to apply what we have learned in class to the “real world.” So, if you are watching a film, listening to music spending time in a museum, reading a book, etc, and you see/hear references to mythology, you can identify them without hesitation. All of your exams will be application in nature.

Identify the Roman name, symbol(s) and domain(s) for the following Greek gods:

1. Aphrodite 5. Poseidon 9. Zeus 13. Apollo

2 Demeter 6. Hestia 10. Hephaestus 14. Hades

3. Artemis 7. Hermes 11. Athena

4.Ares 8. Dionysus 12. Hera

NOTE: You need to have strong familiarity regarding the parents of each Olympian, and specifics concerning their births. In addition, you must be aware of relationships that the gods have with each other, and the result(s) of these associations. (Example: Poseidon is disrespectful towards Athena because her gift was chosen over his. Consequently, Medusa as we know her is created. (This, of course, is the abbreviated version).

Please respond using complete sentences:
15. Who are the Furies? Describe their roll, “birth,” and appearance.
16. Who are the rulers of the underworld? (Greek and Roman names, please)
(p.s. please be familiar with the Greek underworld, specifically the sinners associated with Tartarus)
17. Identify the areas of the Greek stage.
18. Identify the importance regarding the Greek chorus.

NOTE: for19= 30. you will need to be familiar with ALL the characters with
in each myth.
19. Plotline for “Pandora’s Box”
20. “Arachne”
21. “Prometheus”
22. “Demeter and Persephone”
23. “Daphne”
24. “Echo and Narcissus” 25. “Orpheus and Eurydice”
26. “Oedipus”
27. “Antigone”
28. “Io and Prometheus”
29. Creation myth (Aphrodite, Crone, Uranus, Rhea,)
30. “Danaids”
31. Tantalus
32. Sisyphus
33. Ixion

1. Please read "Antigone" for Friday. Plan on a quiz covering "Oedipus" on Friday.The questions for your quiz are located for you below. Remember that you won't know which one you are going to answer, as there will be a random selection.

WEDNESDAY'S QUIZ:The literary tool of irony is significant to the plot of "Oedipus." As part of your quiz on Friday, you will respond to ONE of FOUR quotes. I will ask that you explain the irony of the chosen question in relationship to the plot of Oedipus. Your response must be thorough. Responding with, "This section is ironic because Oedipus does not realize Laius is his father," is not detailed enough. You will need to explain ALL the circumstances behind the quote that you "pull from the bag."  This is why you must READ YOUR MYTH, my fine young friends! You do have access to the questions, as they are below, and you can consider a strong response for each one.

1. "He left his home, Corinth, where he was held to be the son of the king, Polybus, and the reason for his self exile was another Delphic oracle. Apollo had declared that he was fated to kill his father."

2. "...whoever had murdered King Laius must be punished. Oedipus was relieved. Surely the man or men could be found after all these years, and they should know well how to punish him."

3. He spoke to his people..."Let no one of this land give him shelter. Bar him from your homes, as one defiled, companioned by pollution. And solemnly I pray, may he who killed wear out his life in evil, being evil."

4. "No one suffered more than Oedipus. He regard himself as the father of the whole state; the people in it were his children; the misery of each one was his too."

We reviewed the three different types of IRONY today in class.
1. Dramatic Irony: This occurs when the audience is aware of specific information that characters are not.
2. Irony of Situation or Situational Irony: This occurs when the outcome of a literary work turns out differently than what the audience originally anticipated.
3. Verbal Irony: This occurs when a characters means the opposite of what they say.


. FINAL EXAM will take place on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday, October 8th, 2012

Dear Mythology kids,

If you missed class, we completed the following:

1. Students were introduced to their first vocabulary word: SATURNINE! From now on, students will receive one to two words/ week. Please visit with someone else in class regarding the handout that coordinates with your vocabulary words.

2. We then reviewed an exceptional nature myth that was developed by a previous student which explains why birds molt. This myth was also shared so that students would comprehend their "PLOT MAP" assignment due on WEDNESDAY. PLEASE visit with a friend from class regarding this assignment, and then stop by to visit with me.

3. We then started discussing the importance of Greek theater in relationship to their myths. Myths were performed on the Greek stage. Students were given a handout that we started to review, which details the important information regarding Greek theater. Please stop by to pick up the handout.

If you missed class today, please make sure you read the myth of "Oedipus" located on pages. 268-273 in your textbook. You will have a QUIZ over the myth and Greek drama on Tuesday, October 11th! PLEASE READ THE MYTH! What we do in class on Friday is important concerning your schema regarding "Oedipus." This is a valuable piece of literature, as it was originally written as a narrative, and then transformed to a play by Sophocles. It also contains the literary element of IRONY, which adds to the plot line.

This image depicts a theater troupe performing "Oedipus Rex. " Oedipus is in the middle, and the Greek chorus is surrounding him.

We reviewed the three different types of IRONY today in class.
1. Dramatic Irony: This occurs when the audience is aware of specific information that characters are not.
2. Irony of Situation or Situational Irony: This occurs when the outcome of a literary work turns out differently than what the audience originally anticipated.
3. Verbal Irony: This occurs when a characters means the opposite of what they say.

We completed your handout regarding Greek Theater. Please visit with someone in class.

Ancient Greek theater mask. The Greeks used masks to help indicated emotion and the type of drama being performed. This image depicts a TRAGIC mask.


I introduced the myth of "Oedipus" to you today (Monday, October 8th) as a catalyst for understanding Greek Drama. I have included some additional images from those I shared with you in class. This myth is extremely significant, as it illustrates the ancient Greeks desire and ability to take their myths and transfer them to the genre of drama.
1. Please complete the PLOT MAP for your nature myth...DUE ON WED.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, October 4th, 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,

If you missed class, we completed the following:

1. Everyone submitted their "Modern Day God" essay. If you missed class, you will need to submit your assignment WITH YOUR HOMEWORK coupon upon your return. Why? Well, you had prior knowledge about the assignment before your absence.

2. We then completed Journal #2: "Melody Time"
              Students viewed a cartoon with several explanatory elements. Students were asked to identify the explanatory elements and then identify HOW the elements were explained.

3. We then reviewed several POOR nature myths written by previous students. Students worked in groups to complete this and then received participation points for the group work.

1. Nature Myth Part 1 is due on MONDAY. PLEASE start working on your nature myth....consider the plot line, the characters involved, the conflict or conflicts that take place in the myth, and the resolution that solves the problem(s).

PLEASE DO NOT MISS MONDAY, as we will review a nature myth that is incredibly strong.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,

If you missed class, we completed the following:

1. We read "Arachne" and "Narcissus" in class. I gave everyone a copy of these myths, but they are also available in your textbook. You were also introduced to our pet spider....ROSIE!
2. Each student received a copy of their "take-home" quiz regarding the following myths:
"Prometheus," "Pandora," and "Demeter and Persephone." The take-home quiz is due on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2nd!

1. THRONE is due on TUESDAY, October 2nd!
2. Take-home quiz is due on TUESDAY, October 2nd!
3. Please read "Daphne" pgs. 119-120
4. Please read "Prometheus and Io" pgs. 51-55
5. Plan on a quiz covering #3 and #4 and the two myths we read in class today ("Arachne" and "Narcissus"). This quiz will be an in-class quiz.
6. Remember that your "Modern Day God" essay is due on Thursday, October 4th.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

Dearest Mythology Students,

I'm sorry that you missed class! If you are ill, please take care of yourself, if you decided to "avoid" class, then YOU ARE GOING TO HADES WITHOUT AN OBOLUS! SHAME ON YOU, my young friends!

We completed the following:
1. Journal #1 entitled "Hope"
Please consider the following quote by Freidrich Nietzsche. "Hope is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs the torment of man." "Talk" to me about this. Do you agree or disagree with Nietzsche? Explain why? Possibly you see his point of view, but you also view "hope" as a positive entity, as well. Please support your opinion with a personal example.

2. You were introduced to Prometheus and Pandora. We read both nature myths in class.

Instructions for "Modern Day God" Assignment:

1.Through our class discussions, each student should have a greater understanding concerning the Olympians. Please select ONE Olympian and connect him/her to an individual from past or present society. The god you select does not need to be the same one you research regarding your “Handout” assignment.
2.All of the god's attributes do not need to be obvious in relationship to the individual chosen for connection; however, you must be able to relate at least one (obviously) attribute that both possess. Please go beyond the obvious, by focusing on intrinsic characters rather than appearance.
3.In order to obtain enough information regarding your chosen connection, you will need to complete some research. Please note the citation examples below concerning a book or Internet source.

BOOK: Carter, Joseph. The Life of Mark Twain. Scott Foreman, Pub., New York, NY.


INTERNET: William, Jacob. “Mark Twain.” The Mark Twain No One Knew. August

                               17th, 2001. September 11, 2008.


4.Please begin your response by indicating the connection between the god and your chosen individual (Introduction). Your next paragraph needs to indicate aspects concerning the god (Body Paragraph #1). The third paragraph will focus on the individual chosen for comparison (Body Paragraph #2). Finally, your fourth paragraph will justify why you elected to compare the two characters (Conclusion)

5.Please use ACADEMIC VOICE for your response.
6.MLA Format regarding structure and citations also needs to be used. Double space your response, using Times New Roman print, and 12 point font.
7. Please incorporate an image of your “modern day” comparison in your paper.

1. Please read "Demeter and Persephone" ( I gave everyone a copy of this myth). It won't work as a PDF, so I have left several copies outside my room on the bulletin board.
2. Please read "Demeter" (located on pgs. 50-55) in your book.
Note: Both #1 and #2 are the same myth; yet, they have some distinct differences
3. QUIZ on FRIDAY covering "Prometheus," "Pandora," and "Demeter and Persephone." Your quiz is a "take-home" quiz. Make sure you have your myths to exchange for the quiz.
4. Remember your "Modern Day God" assignment is due on October 4th, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, September 24th,2012

Dear Mythology Kids,

STOP MISSING CLASS! Please make sure you find out what you missed, so you are not behind upon your return.

1. Students took their "Application Quiz" and then we corrected it.
2. We had a brief introduction to the first two explanatory myths entitled "Prometheus" and "Pandora." Students were given copies of the myths and then asked not to read them, as we will read them together in class on Wednesday.
3. Students were asked to respond to the following journal entry, as it relates to the above two explanatory myths.  

 Journal #1 entitled "Hope"
Please consider the following quote by Freidrich Nietzsche. "Hope is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs the torment of man." "Talk" to me about this. Do you agree or disagree with Nietzsche? Explain why? Possibly you see his point of view, but you also view "hope" as a positive entity, as well. Please support your opinion with a personal example.

1. Work on your THRONE! You will receive your first "official" writing assignment on Wednesday, so take advantage of the extra time. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday 18th and Thursday 19th, September 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,

I have included the practice quiz for your official quiz scheduled for Monday. If you missed class today, we completed the following gods. In addition, you were given your "THRONE" assignment, which is due on Tuesday, October 2nd. The requirements for your assignment are located in the "HOMEWORK" section of your binder.

Aphrodite and....

Please make sure you obtain the information about the above gods from another mythology student.

Instructions for PRACTICE QUIZ: Please select the god that BEST fits each description. You will need to identify the character with both Greek and Roman names. For some questions you will need to justify your response. Some gods may be used more than once.

1. Venerate, Vigil, Valuable, Vigilante, Volume, Viscous...I love words that begin with the letter V. ______________/______________ (both Greek and Roman names)
2. I would make an excellent "shop" teacher. ______________/___________
3. I have a PhD in Statistics. __________/______________
4. I am "President Obama" of the Olympians. _____________/____________
5. I directed a documentary film on master thieves. ___________/____________
6. I would do well working in a floral shop, as the buds would always bloom.

7. March is my favorite month. ____________/___________
8. I always "hit my mark." __________/_____________
9. I am responsible for desecrating a temple. ____________/_____________
10. Justify your response for #9 ____________________________________________

11. A trick was played to woo me, so "love can not live where there is no trust." ______/_____
12. Justify your response for #11. ____________________________________________

13. I failed to ask my wife's mother for her hand in "marriage." _________/_________
14. "Make me the most beautiful land animal." __________/____________

Good luck with the practice quiz.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,
If you missed class, or had to leave early due to the assembly, we discussed the following gods. Please transfer this information to your "yellow" handout in the "notes" section of your binder.

1. We submitted the "Handout" assignment that was due today, and then a "spokesperson" from each group shared information about their god. We completed Zeus, Hera and Athena and recorded that information on the YELLO handout in the "note section" of your binder. The following information was discussed for each:


  • controls all aspects of the weather
  • tricks Hera into marrying him by transforming into a cuckoo bird
  • Hera is his second wife
  • Metis is his first wife (she is the mother to Athena)
  • shape shifts into animals in order to woe women
  • has numerous affairs
  • Just
  • has difficulties in making decisions
  • god of athletes/athletic events were held in his honor/wore "crown" of oak leaves

  • Zeus transforms into a cuckoo bird. Hera loves animals, and finds a "cuckoo bird" outside her window trapped in a storm. She brings the bird to her breast and states, "I will love you forever, cuckoo bird, and I swear by the River Styx that I will honor this vow." At this point, Zeus returned to his true form, raped Hera, and told her that she had to honor her vow by marrying him. If you swore by Styx your oath could not be broken.
  • She loves animals.
  • Hephaestus is her son without a father (in some versions) Hera was angry that Zeus had given birth to Athena without the assistance of a mother, so she gave birth to Hephaestus without a father. He was born ugly and unshapen, so she cast him off Mt. Olympus.
  • Due to Zeus' affairs, Hera takes her anger and frustrations out on Zeus' lovers and children.Athena
  • Zeus swallowed Athena's mother, Metis, because an oracle had informed Zeus that if Metis birthed a son that child would overthrow his father. Zeus felt that he could not risk this, so he swallowed Metis. Athena grew within her father, until one day he experience a terrible headache. Hephaestus, the God of Inventions, sliced open Zeus' head and Athena was born wearing full battle armour and holding a shield and spear.
  • Athena values mankind. She taught them how to create tools, use numbers, create nets, weaving and ships.
  • Athena expected mankind to give gratitude to the gods of Olympus. If they were disrespectful, she punished them. She turns a mortal woman names Arachne into a spider because she failed to thank Athena for her gift. In addition, she said that she was a better weaver than Athena.
  • Athena and Poseidon both wanted Attica as their city-state. The people decided they would select their patron god based upon a gift they offered the people. Athena gave the people an Olive Tree, and Poseidon gave the people a spring of salt water. The people selected Athena as their patron deity; consequently, Poseidon detested Athena.
I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday; you have NO HOMEWORK!

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10th, 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,
1. Visit with someone else regarding your "HANDOUT" assignment. Each student was given one of the 13 Olympians to research. In addition, I gave each student information regarding their particular god. Your assignment requires that you have a minimum of two sources (I gave one to each student), and then you are to locate another source (Internet, your book, etc.) A valid website is "ENCYCLOPEDIA MYTHICA." This assignment is due on Friday, September 14th. You should have two copies of your handout. One will be used in class, the other will be given to me. In addition, please make a copy of your additional source (the Internet, book, etc. ), as I want to see the other source you used to obtain information.

2. Start prepping for your quiz covering the gods (Greek and Roman names, symbols and domains). This quiz will take place on Wednesday, September 14th.

PRACTICE QUIZ for "The Olympians" NOTE: I did not find an image of Hades that I felt was "accurate." Please be aware of this when taking your quiz. Good Luck.....

For each image, please identify the Greek and Roman names, the other symbols not present in the image, and all of the god's domains. Please follow this structure for your responses.










Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday, August 30th, 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,

If you missed class today, you will be LOST.....STOP MISSING CLASS, my young kids! What did we do today in class?

1. Everyone submitted their first set of annotations/notations entitled "Why are myths important?" We discussed some of the points that you identified concerning each color.

2. We then continued and completed the flow chart regarding the creation myth. This chart will be the primary focus for your quiz on Tuesday. REFER BACK TO THE PREVIOUS POST for the LIST OF VOCABULARY WORDS and the PRACTICE QUIZ, which will assist you in preparing for the quiz.

1. Prepare for your quiz covering the map, "tell me a story," and the flow chart illustrating the Creation myth.
2. Please read/annotate/notate/ 5-7 per page/ using all the colors for the myths entitled "Rule of Uranus" and "Rule of Cronus" for Tuesday.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,

We completed the following today in class:
1. Viewed a clip from 300 regarding Sparta, then we continued our discussion regarding the island of Crete and the Minoan culture.
2. Creation Myth (the back side of your yellow handout)

  • 1. polytheistic
  • 2. pagan
  • 3. city-state
  • 4. Minoans
  • 5. Myceneans
  • 6. Homer
  • 7. Aesthetic myth
  • 8. Mythology
  • 9. Gaea
  • 10. Uranus
  • 11. Nyx
  • 12. Erebus
  • 13. Eros
  • 14. Pontus
  • 15. Aphrodite
  • 16. Furies
  • 17. Cyclopes
  • 18.100 handed ones
  • 19. Titans
  • 20. Atlas/Prometheus/Epimetheus
  • 21. Typhon
  • 22. Iaeptus
  • 23. Cronus
  • 24. Rhea
  • 25. Hestia
  • 26. Hera
  • 27. Demeter
  • 28. Poseidon
  • 29. Hades
  • 30. Zeus
The Key to Success....PREPARATION!

"The Creation Myth"



I When I see you on Monday, we will review, and then take your quiz. Remember to use the practice quiz as a pre-test. You should put all of your information away while you take the quiz. THIS IS CLEARLY AN INTEGRITY ISSUE ON YOUR PART, my fine young friends. In addition, you should print a copy of the quiz as a word document, and be prepared to bring it with you to class on Monday. We will review for the quiz by discussing the questions on the practice quiz. If you choose to use flashcards on the quiz , you can use a 1/4 of the ones that you complete. DON'T FORGET to review the information concerning your map. In addition, you will receive questions from "Tell me a Story" (Front of your yellow handout).

1. According to the ancient Greeks, how did formed matter begin?

2. Three "beings" were initially created, please identify them for 2-4.

2._______________ 3.______________ 4.________________

5. Who was Uranus, and what was his greatest fear?

6. Identify his first two "groups" of children and why his wife was so angry with him concerning these children.

7. What characters are created from Uranus' death (in any order)?

7._____________________ 8._________________

9. Describe the Titans to me.............

10. Why is Cronus so willing to destroy his father?

11. Cronus marries his sister, Rhea, who in turn gives him six children. Explain what he does with the children and why.

12. Refer to the image at the top of this post. The two characters on this Greek vase are married. The female is offering the male something of significance. Explain to me what is taking place here.

13. Refer to the second image at the top of this post. Identify the three female characters in the drawing. What was their purpose in Greek mythology?

14. Refer to the third image at the top of this post. Explain the symbolism behind the death of the character lying on his back.

15. Refer to the fourth image...... Why was Uranus so afraid of "these" ( I know there is only one) children?

16. Who is this? Explain her "birth."

I hope you did well! I will see you soon.



Thursday, August 23, 2012

Friday, August 24th, 2012

If you missed class on Friday, August 24th

Dear Mythology Kids,

Several of you missed class today. Remember if you are going to miss, then you need to COMMUNICATE with me. I don't have time to repeat each class. I value and venerate those that stopped by before, during, and after school to find out what they missed. If you failed to do this, then CHECK WITH A FRIEND in one of the Mythology classes. Remember to COMMUNICATE with me for the future!

Dear Mythology Kids,
If you missed class today, please make sure you visit with someone else taking Mythology......
Each student received the following:
1. A copy of their textbook, Mythology, by Edith Hamilton
2. A copy of their Homework Coupon ( if you missed class please visit with me about this)
3. Four handouts that were then placed within the notebook
a. a blue handout that is a map of Greece
b. a yellow handout entitled "Tell me a Story"
c. a green handout that is a chart of the Greek gods
d. and a pink handout that will be used for flashcards
(Each handout was placed in the "NOTES" section of the notebook.)

1. Your "What is a Classic" assignment is due on Tuesday!

1. We reviewed some basic information regarding ancient Greece, and then that information was recorded on the blue map given to you at the beginning of class.

a. What is a city-state?
b. The difference between Athens and Sparta (Athena vs. Ares and Aesthetics vs. Warfare)
e. We also discussed the brilliance of the ancient Greeks and how their influence still plays a role in our modern culture.
I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Welcome Back! Wednesday, August 22nd!

Welcome to the "Jungle"

Dear Mythology Students,

I welcome you to the land of gods and goddesses, where logic does not exist, only the idea that some where in the slime of cosmic confusion order becomes real. Was that poetic? TRANSLATION: Prepare yourself to learn ancient ideas and concepts that are bizarre; yet still relevant and valid in modern times. I welcome you to Mythology.

HOMEWORK for Friday, August 24th:
1. Disclosure Document
2. Supplies with USB drive, 3x5 cards, and markers (remember that the bandage for your mask is not required until I give you further instructions)

HOMEWORK for Tuesday, August 28th
3. "What is a Classic? "

I look forward to working with you this year.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

1 Please read the following Biblical verses.

  • Rev. 6:12-15
  • Rev. 8:7-10
  • Rev. 21:5-6
  • March 13:, 22-26
2. Please read "Ragnorok" and notate using the Biblical verses as your catalyst

3. Locate FOUR images that you can connect with "Ragnork

4. Final Exam! Please start preparing for it NOW!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,
 Today in class, we reviewed the final section of BEOWULF, and then I reviewed the take-home questions for your quiz. The questions are located below. We then started our discussion regarding Norse death customs. Each student received a handout and we viewed several images via a power point.
1. Please select two of the following questions for your "Beowulf" take-home quiz. Please complete your questions using MLA format and Academic Voice. If you would like to receive extra-credit then you can respond to more than two questions.

1.      One important poetic device in Old English is the "kenning," a compound word in which one thing is described by a fanciful two-word metaphor. For example, the sea is described as a "whale-road,” Hrothgar is described as a "ring-giver,” and a murderer is described as a "corpse-maker.” What effect do these kennings have on you as a reader? How do they add to the poetic atmosphere of the epic? Locate additional kennings, besides those that we identify together and to those indicated above, and indicate the importance of your chosen kennings.

2.      As discussed in class, Fate plays a significant role in Norse myths. How much control do the characters in Beowulf have over their fates? Are skilled warriors any more likely to succeed than cowards? Include textual evidence from the poem to support your response.

3.      Beowulf represents the successful blending of pagan and Christian elements.  These elements are incorporated side-by-side in the epic.  Describe and explain the placement of these elements including readers’ acceptance of both. Support your response with textual evidence.

4.      In Beowulf, the distribution of wealth is an essential part of the social structure. How important is wealth in Beowulf, and how does it relate to other Norse myths we have discussed. Support your response with textual evidence.

5.      According to the archetypal heroic pattern, is Beowulf a “true” hero? Review the nine traits and indicate if Beowulf’s character follows the archetype. Is Beowulf an ideal hero and king? Is there anything lacking in his character? Support your response with textual evidence. In addition, why is the concept of fame and glory so significant to the Norse warrior? Support your response with textual evidence.

Friday, May 4, 2012

May 4th, 2012

Dear Students,

If you missed class today, your "Final Exam" was introduced to you. I have included a copy of the explanation for it below.

FINAL EXAM DUE DATE: TUES. May 22nd for B1 and B2

  • Final Exam ExplanationMythology
    Mrs. Kori Crampton
    Due Date __________________

    Consider the following questions?
    What have you learned this year?
    How has your study of Mythology heightened your understanding of popular culture, literature and the world around you?
    Explanation: As discussed on numerous occasions, mythological allusions and references are frequently found in modern culture. Through a knowledge of mythology, one’s understanding of literary work and popular culture increases.
    You are required to select five of the ten options listed below to illustrate your understanding of mythology. You may use examples connected with either Greek or Norse Mythology.

    1.Advertisement using mythological reference and/or allusions.

    2.Album covers using mythological references and/or allusions.

    3.Book title using mythological references and/or allusions.

    4.Vocabulary word used in literary work.

    5. Reference or allusion within a literary work.

    6. Comic strip/cartoon using mythological references and/or allusions.

    7. Company names or insignias using mythological references and/or allusions.

    8. Norse motifs found in other literary work. This option is compulsory!

    9. Artwork with mythological references and/or allusions.

    10. Errors pertaining to any mythological character/concept found in advertising literary work.

    The following requirements are compulsory:
    1. A hard copy of each example (photo copies will suffice if your example is found in a book).

    2. The Internet may not be used to locate your examples.

    3. For each example provided, an explanation must also be included as to why the mythological reference/allusion is an appropriate choice. What is the point of using mythology in advertising? For the book title? Etc.

    4. The explanations need to accompany the hard copy of your examples. I expect them to be 10-20 sentences in length. Assume your audience has no schema regarding the mythology used in the selected examples; therefore, your explanations need to be thorough.

    5. You may not repeat mythological references and/or allusions. So, if you locate an allusion to Pandora in a cartoon, then you can’t include an example regarding Pandora for another option.

    6. You may not use examples shared with you in class (ie. “Apollo Burger”, “Midas Mufler”, “Nike”, “Ajax Cleaner”)

    7. Your exam needs to be submitted in an aesthetically pleasing way. Each example should be mounted on a piece of cardstock with the corresponding explanation on the opposite page. Page protectors are appreciated, but not compulsory. I would suggest a three ring binder purely for organizational purposes!

    8. A title page needs to be included with the following information.
    Your Name
    List of options you selected for your final exam.
I have several examples that I shared with those that were present on Monday. Unfortunately, I can't use the images here, because they are from a power point. I am happy to share the examples with you when you return.

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2012

Dear Mythology Kids,

Our introduction to the epic poem Beowulf took place on Thursday, May 5th. Each student received a handout detailing the poem. I have included a copy of it below, but the format is different from the one given in class. Please read the information below so that when you return to class on Tuesday, you will have some schema for the poem.

BEOWULFIn 1936, J.R.R. Tolkien delivered a lecture before members of the British Academy entitled “Beowulf: The Monsters and critics.” Tolkien remarked, “Beowulf is in fact so interesting as poetry, that it overshadows other pieces of the same period. It is the greatest achievement of Old English literature.

The Beowulf manuscript, written about 1000 A.D., was preserved in ways unknown. It is one of few Anglo-Saxon pieces of literature to survive Henry VIII’s dissolution of the monasteries and their magnificent libraries in the late 1530’s.

Once Henry separated himself from the Catholic Church, most references to Catholicism, including written texts, were destroyed due to Henry claiming they were “pagan” in origin. The manuscripts housed in the monasteries were then ripped apart and used to polish candlesticks, clean boots and furniture, some were sold as scrap paper to grocers and soap makers; some were sent to bookbinders, who cut them into strips and used them to form the book covers of other books. Somehow, a single manuscript managed to survive this travesty. Yes, the epic poem known as Beowulf. However, the current manuscript is not the original, but a copy, in two distinct hand writings. How many other copies existed, or how close to the original this particular version actually is, we will never know. This copy survived a fire in 1731; however, the top and outer edges of the manuscript were damaged. Fortunately, due to ultra-violet photography, the chard sections, that were once gaps, have now been translated. The poem still bears the scars of the fire. The Beowulf poem is significant because it is a miraculous survivor of the ravages of history. It is now housed in the British Library London, England. I am sure that you will enjoy reading it.

Beowulf is an epic poem, a work of fiction, centered on the main character, Beowulf, and his fight with three monsters. Beowulf blends a fairytale type of narrative, where monsters are defeated with the hero receiving honor and fame. The always relevant theme of “Good vs. Evil” is significant to this piece of literature. The battle between Grendle, Grendle’s mother, and the Dragon illustrate a society that valued war and aristocracy. Layers of morality, tenderness, and piety are intermixed in Beowulf, with the glorification of war, death, and fame. The Beowulf poet captures battle scenes with magnificent skill and vividness in this poem about kings and kingship.

“…He ruled Land on all sides: where ever the sea would take them, his soldiers sailed, returned with tribute and obedience. There was a brace King!” (8-12)

“Then the monster charged again, omitting fire, wild with pain, rushed out fierce and dreadful, its fear forgotten watching for its chance it drove its tusks into Beowulf’s neck; he staggered, the blood came flooding forth, fell like the rain.” (2688-2693)
“… No female, no matter how fierce, could have come with a man’s strength, fought with power and courage men fight with. Smashing their shining swords, their bloody, hammer-forged blades onto boar-headed helmets, slashing and stabbing with the sharpest points.” (1282-1287)

The significance of battle against supernatural forces is what moves the poet, in addition to the hero’s driving force for glory. The strong fighter, the hero, the man who wins that most precious of all treasures, fame, is the man who never gives up, and who does not worry about the possible consequences of bravery.

“… so fame Comes to the men who means to win it, and care about nothing else.”
“… I am old now, But I will fight again, seek fame still…” (2512-2513)

“…But the brave old Swede felt no fear; he quickly returned a better blow than he’d gotten, and struck the beast savagely again…”
“…Grendle Saw that his strength was deserting him, his claws bound fast, Beowulf tearing at his claws. The monster’s hatred rose higher, but power had gone. He twisted in pain…”

Beowulf is a Swedish Geat (Nordic tribe in Sweden), who comes to aid the Danes (Nordic tribe in Denmark) to defeat Grendle, a monster who has terrorized them for years. When Grendle’s mother appears, hungry for revenge due to the killing of her son, Beowulf follows her back to her watery lair and kills her too. Showered with gifts from the Danes, he returns to Sweden where he becomes a great leader of his people. Many years pass, and he faces the threat of an angry fire-breathing dragon, aroused by the theft of a jeweled cup from its treasure hoard. The aging hero kills the dragon, only after suffering a mortal wound, and then dies himself. The Geats bury Beowulf’s ashes in an earthen tower at the sea’s edge, to guide sailors from far and wide.

Principle Character and Terms:
Hrothgar (Dane/Denmark/King of Danes/mead hall is ravaged by Grendle)
Wiglaf: Beowulf’s nephew/fights with B. against the Dragon
Herot/name of mead hall built by Hrothgar
Wergild: “Life for Life”
Unferth: best Danish warrior; jealous of Beowulf

Hygelac: King of Geats (Sweden); Beowulf’s uncle

Beowulf: Geat/protagonist

Brecca: Beowulf’s Childhood friend
Wyrd (urd): unalterable fate/ predetermination of life

Background on Poet and Significance of Poem
The poem is full of Christian sentiments, superimposed with a pagan code of battle, heroism, and kingship. The poet was either a Christian or was familiar with and influenced by Christianity. Some scholars believe that some monkish hand could have added the Christian references to improve and correct an essentially pagan epic. Most of the Christianity within Beowulf can not be so easily dismissed as there is too much of it. “Let God be thanked!” cries Hrothgar when the Danes assemble to celebrate Beowulf’s victory over Grendle. These are his first words; he goes on, almost at once, to assert with great feeling that
“…the Almighty makes miracles
When He pleases, wonder after wonder, and this world
Rests in His hands…” (960-962)

In addition, the poet describes Grendle as being a relation of Cain.

“He was spawn in that slime, Shut away from men; they split
Conceived by a pair of those monsters born Into a thousand forms of evil-spirits and
Of Cain, murderous creatures banished fiends, goblins, monsters, giants,
By God, punished forever for the crime of A brood forever opposing the Lord’s
Abel’s death. The Almighty drove those demons Will, and again and again defeated.”
Out, and their exile was bitter, (103-114)

It is God, who leads Beowulf into victory over Grendle’s vicious mother, once Beowulf has proved that he is willing and able to help himself. The essential nature of this Christianity may not be quite the same as those found in California, London, or Utah, but it is an integral part of the poet’s though and his view of life. The poet is quite skilled at blending pagan beliefs with Christianity. Personally I find it hard to believe that he wasn’t a Christian. If not, he must have had significant interaction with individuals that were of that faith. This is a mystery surrounding the poet that will never be solved as he never openly declared his faith!
We do know several aspects about the Beowulf poet, his name unfortunately, is not one of them. We know that he was an Anglo-Saxon, as the poem is written in his language (Old-English), who must have had some contact with the Vikings. This would have been a strong possibility, as the Vikings had settlements in England between 680-1010 A.D. The central settings of the poem are Sweden, Denmark, and several names occur within the poem in association with Norse religion; these include Hermod and Woden. Beowulf is also described as a Viking by the poet. In addition, the Norse believed in the concept of Wyrd (pronounced ‘urd’) which translated means, “that which will happen.” It is mentioned several times within the poem, and seems to take on a female persona.
2. Students were asked to complete their "take-home" quiz regarding "Idun's Apples" and "Necklace of the Brisings" (Due Monday)
  • If you missed class, please visit with me, so I can give you a "take-home" quiz
3. Students were asked to complete reading the "Introductory Information" given to them in class regarding "Beowulf"

I look forward to reading Beowulf with you next week.

Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...