Thursday, January 28, 2010

If you missed class today, January 28th, 2010...

Dear Mythology Kids,

We completed the following today:

1. Journal entry #7 ("Troy/Ilium") covering a film clip entitled Troy (creative, I know!) This was an excellent review concerning the introductory information (red handout) that was given to you on Tuesday.

2. We took the quiz covering the introductory information shared with you on Tuesday.

3. The desks were rearranged today in pairs or triples. Students were able to select their seat and their partner(s). Each group then selected a character significant to The Iliad for their research assignment. I gave everyone some information about their "chosen" character, but in addition, as part of your homework assignment, each student was asked to do some research via the Internet regarding their specific character. I expect to have a HARD COPY of your Internet source on Monday!

  • Jeff b2- You are researching "Ajax, the Greater."
  • Chelsea b2- You are working with Carson and Brittany (imagine that!). I'm typing this from home, and don't have my list of students and their characters. So, visit with Carson or Brittany!
  • Cortney b2- Check with Laura, girl! You will work with her!

4. If you are in B2, you were given two new vocabulary words today:

  • Procrustean
  • Herculean

Visit with someone in class regarding definitions, synonyms and etymologies.


1. Remember that your five paragraph film essay is due on November 8th. If you would like me to review your essay, then I need your rough draft on Wed., Nov. 3rd.

2. Please read the information I gave to you regarding your chosen "Iliad" character for Monday.

3. Please research your character via the Internet. Please bring a HARD COPY of your Internet source to class on Monday. You should read it before coming to class.



Your FINAL exam!

Dear Mythology Kids, It's nice to "see" you again. Let me offer some "study guidance" for your final exam. Please ...